Category: Recommendations
Wirkfaktor Geschlecht in Theorie und Praxis der personzentrierten Psychotherapie und Beratung
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Als Anlage die Ankündigung zu unserem Seminar
Wirkfaktor Geschlecht in Theorie und Praxis der personzentrierten Psychotherapie und Beratung
Alle Interessierten sind zur Teilnahme eingeladen!
Mit bestem Dank und freundlichen Grüßen
GABRIELE HASLER: Psychotherapeutin und Supervisorin, Akademische Referentin für Feministische Bildung und Politik
MAGA KARIN MACKE: Psychotherapeutin und Supervisorin, Autorin, Germanistin und Anglistin, Reteaming-Coach
1000 mal Nein zu sexueller Gewalt im Krieg
Aktionen auch in Deutschland, u.a. in Berlin, Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Frankfurt, Göttingen, Hamburg, Heilbronn, Köln, München, Stuttgart, Tübingen, Wuppertal.
Am 14.12.2011 ist die 1.000 Mittwochs-Demonstration der „Trostfrauen“ in Seoul/Südkorea. Die kontinuierlichste Demonstration der Welt! Ehemalige Zwangsprosituierte des japanischen Militärs werden in Seoul die Straße vor der japanischen Botschaft in Friedensstraße umbenennen (Anhang S. 7) und dort ein Friedensmonument errichten. The Korean Council for The Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan ruft zu weltweiten Aktionen auf. U.a. sind eine Online-Demonstration, eine Twitteraktion, Email- und Briefaktionen geplant.
Allein in Deutschland beteiligen sich mindestens zehn Städte mit Filmvorführungen, Diskussionen, Demonstrationen und Andachten.
Die Überlebenden sind über 80, seit 8.1.1992 demonstrieren sie jeden Mittwoch vor der japanischen Botschaft in Seoul. Einige wollen aufhören, weil die Kräfte nachlassen. Pak Ok-seon will weiter machen. (‘Comfort women’ push on for apology, 26.10.2011)
Zum erstenmal nach 14 Jahren forderte im Oktober der koreanische UN-Vertreter Shin Dong-ik bei einer UN-Sitzung Japan auf endlich Verantwortung für seine Kriegsverbrechen und Menschenrechtsverletzungen an den ehemaligen Zwangsprostituierten des 2. Weltkriegs zu übernehmen. (Korea raises ‚comfort women‘ issue at UN, Koreatimes, 12.10.2011)
Ex-Politiker aus Polen und Deutschland erklärten in Seoul wie durch Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit ihre Partnerschaft entstand. Koreaner sehen u.a. die Ignoranz der japanischen Regierung gegenüber den „Trostfrauen“ als Hinderniss für eine Koreanisch-Japanische Partnerschaft. (Poland, Germany share how they moved from foes to friends)
Patriarchy and Misogyny in Politics Pave the Way for Violence Against Women by Fabrice Gernigon
I must admit that writing about gender issues is not the easiest task I have been given. And it is exactly because I don’t feel comfortable with that subject that I felt it would be interesting to dig a little deeper.
My feeling is that I am not the only one not to be at ease, because in France there is a huge gap between the progressive speeches politicians give to the media and the reality. The reality is that every three days a woman dies because she has been hit by her husband. This year more than 650,000 women reported that they had suffered from physical violences, and in their own home for half of them.
Despite the fact that this is a huge issue, I have to admit that I have never been directly exposed to it in my country. However I am convinced that even though violences against women are of course denounced by most men, they are deep-rooted in the customs of our society that is traditionally, and despite all appearances, still patriarchal and misogynist.
I think that the political arena is in a way a good caricature of our society. The French parliament, for example, is highly dominated by a male presence. Despite the fact that we had some very popular women in politics, most of the previous French Prime Ministers have installed women in their governments (as they had promised strict parity during their campaigns), to later replace them by men.
I am convinced that the lack of female representation in politics, or the difference of salaries between men and women who have the same level of experience and education, are facts that necessarily help maintaining, on one hand, the feeling that women are inferior, and on the other hand, that the place where they belong is at home!
A very interesting NGO (called La Barbe-which literally means The Beard but which is also a phrase that we sometimes say in France to say „That’s enough!“) pointed out that issue through their different actions. The women who work at that NGO went to high political or cultural institutions (such as the Parliament or the French Academy). Their actions consisted of breaking into these highly respected places, in silence, with fake beards. By doing that they pointed out the fact that there was almost no female presence in these institutions and their message was basically „Unless you are bearded there is almost no way you can have a place in these institutions.“
I am conscious that there is a difference between misogyny and physical violences against women. But what I want to point out is that misogyny often ends up justifying these violences.
A few months ago, the head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss Kahn, (who was close to starting his campaign for the French presidential elections) was accused of the rape of a hotel maid in New York. There has been huge media coverage over this event in France since this man was seen, by most of us, as the next French president. Therefore, a lot of politicians and journalists started debating over what happened in room number 2806.
Despite the fact that nobody really knew what happened in that room, that „underground misogyny“ suddenly came back up to the surface in the words of some politicians and journalists. Even though DSK was accused of rape, one of his political allies (Jack Lang) said that this man should be released because he had paid a large fine and because „He didn’t kill anybody.“ It is a way of saying that rape is not a big deal after all, since nobody died.
A journalist called Jean-François Kahn said his impression was that there was no violent attempt to commit rape but that there was an „imprudent action.“ He later specified by saying that DSK just lifted the skirt of a servant.
I think that through the DSK scandal, we have clearly witnessed that tendency to put rape into a favorable perspective. This is for me a sign that misogyny is not as innocent as we (men) want to think it is. And part of the solution to violence against women will come from getting rid of that very old-fashioned habit.
Violence Against Women in Iran by an Anonymous Man in Tehran
Many people in Iran have not heard or read anything about violence against women in the mass media. Actually they are faced with many economic and political problems that don’t let them spend time and energy on subjects like VAW. In my opinion the items below could be considered VAW cases or related items in my society:
1. Police forces are not devoted to handling situations of physical and sexual violence against women. They don’t have enough expertise, ability, education, skills or organization budgets to face these kinds of crimes. The priority to spend budgets belongs to political and military issues, directly or indirectly.
2. A lack of freedom of expression in mass media: radical political and religious filters (especially after the election 3 years ago) tend to prevent any news or report that challenges the government performance nationally or internationally, and suppress any internal media activity which crosses their power boundaries severely. This means that they prefer not to follow up on violence against women in the media, instead of asking questions and thinking about it like other social issues.
3. An undeveloped judicial system: many VAW cases in Iran happen in the family and home environment and are not considered as criminal activity which should be tracked in court. The judicial system cannot respond to women’s needs and create judicial support for them because of the unwillingness and inability to approve any rule from outside of Islamic rules. Below is the part of chapter 34 of the Holy Koran, the name is Alnesa (which means women) in Arabic :
وَ اللاَّتِی تَخَافُونَ نُشُوزَهُنَّ فَعِظُوهُنَّ وَاهْجُرُوهُنَّ فِی الْمَضَاجِعِ وَاضْرِبُوهُنَّ فَإِنْ أَطَعْنَکُمْ فَلاَ تَبْغُواْ عَلَیْهِنَّ سَبِیلاً إِنَّ اللّهَ کَانَ عَلِیًّا کَبِیرًا
This chapter is about how men can punish their wife, and one of those ways is “beating them.” With attention to this obvious Holy Koran chapter any Muslim could beat his wife and the judicial system and police forces can’t stop him easily. Fundamentally, there is no equity in responsibilities and rights between the male and female sexes in Islamic rules.
The lack of EU action on gender-violence is compounding the effect of the crisis on women
The lack of EU action on gender-violence is compounding the effect of the crisis on women, says European Women’s Lobby ahead of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Almost every other woman in the EU will experience male violence during her lifetime: One in five will fall victim to domestic violence; one in ten will be raped or forced into sexual acts. Violence against women – although rarely discussed or addressed – is the most widespread human rights abuse within the EU, and in times of recession such as these, things only get worse. On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is, once again, calling for urgent action on behalf of the EU to ensure the fundamental rights of its peoples.
Speaking at a European Parliament Hearing on 23 November, Cécile Gréboval, Secretary General of the EWL, pointed out that ‘Ending violence against women is not a luxury for times of growth; it is even more crucial in times of crisis as women are hit very hard.’
According to a 2010 study conducted by the EWL and Oxfam International, economic recession creates conditions associated with increased intimate relationship violence, a rise in prostitution and attacks on women in prostitution.[i]
‘In addition to increased levels of violence, austerity measures affecting support services also leave women victims of violence even more vulnerable than usual’, adds Ms. Gréboval, citing research from the UK demonstrating the negative effects of public budget cuts. Such cuts have led to reduced police, legal, health and other essential services for victims.[ii] In addition, financing for already over-stretched women’s associations providing shelter and support for victims is being cut. In Hungary, for example, the number of places in shelters has been halved.
At the EU-level, the European Commission budget proposal post-2014 does not foresee the continuation of the DAPHNE programme that has funded projects addressing violence against women. The plan to merge DAPHNE with other funding programmes puts at grave risk the level and predictability of EU funding for combating violence against women. The EWL is calling on the European Parliament and member states to ensure the sustainability of this small but very successful programme during negotiations on the future EU budget 2014-2020.
As the situation across Europe deteriorates, women’s associations are calling on the EU to live up to its commitments and to take stronger measures to combat gender-based violence. The EWL has a very strong and clear message for the European Commission in particular: ‘While the European Parliament and Council of Ministers have made calls for a European Strategy and Action Plan on violence against women, the European Commission still hasn’t made any move in this direction’, says Ms. Gréboval. ‘It is hard to believe that we are once again spending the International Day on Violence against Women recalling how gender equality is a founding and fundamental value of the EU, not a luxury for times of growth. Things are getting worse. The time to act is now.’
Leanda E. Barrington-Leach (Ms.)
European Women’s Lobby / Lobby européen des femmes
Aufruf/Stellungnahme der Kunstaktion KnitHerStory
Liebe Frauen,
Wir, die am 19. März 2011 zusammen mit vielen anderen Frauen, die Kunstaktion KnitHerStory – Guerilla Knitting Projekt zur Sichtbarmachung von Frauengeschichte(n) im Öffentlichen Raum umgesetzt haben, sind noch immer dabei die Verantwortlichen für die Entfernung und Zerstörung eines Großteils der Kunstwerke zur Verantwortung zu ziehen. Jetzt, da wir wissen, dass sich niemand von politischer Seite verantwortlich fühlen möchte und die Magistratsabteilungen MA 42 und MA 48 keine Entschädigung zahlen wollen, hat sich noch einmal unser Kampfgeist gemeldet. Wir haben noch einmal eine Stellungnahme verfasst, die heute Nachmittag an alle politischen Ebenen hinausgegangen ist. Wir werden sie auch über die femail-Liste versenden und in unserem KnitHerStory-Verteiler verschicken und auch an die Presse senden. Die IG-Kultur wird die Stellungnahme morgen auch in ihrem Newsletter versenden. Nur damit ihr informiert seid über welche Wege wir die Stellungnahme verbreiten.
Es würde uns unterstützen, wenn ihr die Stellungnahme in eurem Verteiler verschickt. Eine weitere Unterstützung wäre es, wenn viele von euch an die politisch Einflusshabenden (Frauenberger, Vassilakou, Häupl, Sima und auch andere; wir haben auch an Brauner und Mailath-Pokorny eine Mail geschickt) eine Mail sendet, in dem ihr zum Ausdruck bringt, dass ihr unsere Forderung nach finanzieller Entschädigung unterstützt.
Die Plattform 20000 Frauen hat uns im Vorfeld der Kunstaktion immer wieder unterstützt. Auch haben viele der Frauen der Plattform im Anschluss an die Entfernung und Zerstörung der Kunstwerke Mails an die Politikerinnen und Politiker der Stadt geschrieben und ihren Unmut kundgetan. Auch habt ihr uns in der Recherche, wer wofür verantwortlich war, geholfen! Wir schätzen eure Unterstützung sehr und danken euch vielmals!
Für Rückfragen könnt ihr euch gerne jederzeit bei mir melden (
Feministischsolidarischkämpferische und herzliche Grüße,
Betina Aumair
Download der Stellungnahme
Call for submissions for a journal special issue on ‘New Feminisms in Europe’ to your networks
A special issue of Social Movement Studies edited by Kristin Aune (University of Derby) and Jonathan Dean (University of Leeds)
What is the state of feminist social movements in 21st century Europe?
European second-wave feminism – loosely denoting the emergence of feminist activism in the 1960s and 1970s – has been extensively studied, but there is very little work on new and emerging feminist mobilisations.
Several decades on from second-wave feminism, European societies have changed in significant ways, many of them gendered, and many of which might be said to have arisen in response to feminist social movements. Recent years have seen the redrawing of national boundaries, the fall of communism and rise of capitalism in Eastern Europe, the increasing influence of neoliberalism, the development of new information technologies, and the feminization and increasing precarity of the labour market. Although there is now a substantial literature on the gendered aspects of these transformations and the impact of feminism on state institutions, there is little research on how contemporary feminist activist movements respond to, and engage with, these profound transformations in the gender regimes of European societies.
Additionally, many academic and social commentators have said that feminist movements are no longer as vibrant and radical as they once were and that young people are disconnected from feminism and social movement activism more broadly. But it is evident that feminism continues to be a significant social and political force, albeit often in ways that depart from traditional models of movement activism and cut across generational boundaries.
Against this backdrop, the special issue asks: how have 21st century feminisms responded to the changing gendered realities of contemporary Europe? Is European feminist activism in decline, or is it taking on a renewed visibility and significance? And in what ways do the demands and practices of European feminists converge and diverge in different contexts?
Questions to be explored include, but are not limited to, the following:
What are the key demands and foci of contemporary feminist activisms, and how do they vary across contexts?
What kinds of strategies, tactics and organisational structures characterise new feminist activisms in Europe?
What is the cultural and political reach of “third wave” feminism? To what extent is a wave-based generational metaphor appropriate for making sense of the histories of feminism in different contexts? What are the main (dis)connections between contemporary feminist activism, and earlier waves/generations?
Is feminism still a women’s movement? What is the place of men and queer, intersex and transgendered people in these new feminist groups?
How do diasporic communities and the politics of migration interact with the new feminisms?
What role do new information technologies play within the new feminisms?
What are the connections between feminist social movements and left-wing politics? What role does feminism play in student protest and activism against austerity measures across Europe?
In what ways do new feminist movements reflect and contest their different national landscapes? In what ways have democratic transitions (including those from fascism and communism) impacted upon feminist movements? Or is the distinctiveness of nation for feminist movements increasingly eroded in a digitally-mediated world? How do European feminists engage with globalization? Is what ways is the local (e.g. the city, neighbourhood or place) still significant?
How do social movements relate to the institutionalisation of feminism in national and international politics (e.g. through the EU)? What are the different ways in which feminist movements engage with political parties?
How do new feminist movements address intersectionality in relation to ethnicity, class, sexuality, health, disability and other related areas?
How are new feminisms engaging with the changing religious realities, including secularization and the rise of fundamentalisms, of countries in Europe?
The call is open and competitive. Each submission will be subject to the usual (blind) review process. Deadline for submission of articles (maximum 8,000 words including bibliography and notes) is Friday 13th July 2012. Articles should be formatted according to the Social Movement Studies style guide and submitted to both and, to whom any queries should be directed.
It is anticipated that the special issue will be published in early 2014.
dieStandard : Tawakul Karman, Leymah Gbowee und Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Nobelpreisträgerinnen 2011
Drei Frauen erhielten den Friedensnobelpreis für ihr frauenrechtliches Engagement – Drei Kurzporträts
Tawakul Karman
„Vor der Revolution waren die Frauen praktisch unsichtbar“, sagt die jemenitische Aktivistin Tawakul Karman. „Jetzt sehen wir sie zu Tausenden bei den Kundgebungen, auf den Plätzen. Nicht nur die liberale, gebildete Elite, nein: auch ganz gewöhnliche Frauen.“
Karman gilt als Ikone dieser Bewegung. In einer Stellungnahme widmete sie den Friedensnobelpreis allen Aktivisten des Arabischen Frühlings: Er sei eine Ehre für alle AraberInnen, alle Muslime und alle Frauen. …Mehr…
World Leaders Draw Attention to Central Role of Women’s Political Participation in Democracy
United Nations, New York — Women make up less than 10 percent of world leaders. Globally less than one in five members of parliament is a woman. The 30 percent critical mass mark for women’s representation in parliament has been reached or exceeded in only 28 countries. At a high-level event today, during the 66th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, women political leaders will strongly call for increasing women’s political participation and decision-making across the world. Stressing that women’s participation is fundamental to democracy and essential to the achievement of sustainable development and peace in all contexts — during peace, through conflict and post-conflict, and during political transitions — the leaders will sign on to a joint statement with concrete recommendations on ways to advance women’s political participation.
Signatories include: H.E. Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil; Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago; H.E. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State of the United States of America; Rt. Hon. Baroness Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission; H.E. Roza Otunbayeva, President of the Kyrgyz Republic; Lilia Labidi, Minister of Women’s Affairs, Republic of Tunisia; Helen Clark, Under-Secretary-General and Administrator, UN Development Programme; and Michelle Bachelet, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director, UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.
The Joint Statement, Embargoed until 15:00 EDT, is below:
Joint Statement On Advancing Women’s Political Participation
New York, 19 September 2011
We, the undersigned Heads of State and Government, Foreign Ministers, and High Representatives, affirm that women’s political participation is fundamental to democracy and essential to the achievement of sustainable development and peace.
We reaffirm the human right of women to take part in the Governments of their countries, directly or through freely chosen representatives, on an equal basis with men, and that all States should take affirmative steps to respect and promote women’s equal right to participate in all areas and at all levels of political life.
We stress the critical importance of women’s political participation in all contexts, including in times of peace, conflict and in all stages of political transition.
We recognize the essential contributions women around the world continue to make to the achievement and maintenance of international peace and security and to the full realization of human rights; to the promotion of sustainable development; and to the eradication of poverty, hunger and disease. Even so, we are concerned that women in every part of the world continue to be largely marginalized from decision-making, often as a result of discriminatory laws, practices, and attitudes, and due to poverty disproportionately affecting women.
We reaffirm our commitment to the equal rights and inherent human dignity of women enshrined in the United Nations Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and other relevant international human rights instruments. We call upon all States to ratify and fulfill their obligations under the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and to implement fully Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on women and peace and security and other relevant UN resolutions.
We call upon all States, including those emerging from conflict or undergoing political transitions, to eliminate all discriminatory barriers faced by women, particularly marginalized women, and we encourage all States to take proactive measures to address the factors preventing women from participating in politics, such as violence, poverty, lack of access to quality education and health care, the double burden of paid and unpaid work, and to actively promote women’s political participation, including through affirmative measures, as appropriate.
We reaffirm and express full support for the important role of the United Nations system in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women, and we welcome UN Women and its mandate in this regard.
Media Contacts:
Jelena Vujic, Delegation of the EU to the UN, +1 212 401-0123, jelena.vujic[at]
Gustavo Sénéchal, Mission of Brazil, +1 212 372-2614, gsenechal[at]
Melissa Boissiere, Mission of Trinidad and Tobago, +1 212 697-7620, mboissiere[at]
Stanislav Saling, UNDP, + 1 212 906-5296, stanislav.saling[at]
Oisika Chakrabarti, UN Women, +1 646 781-4522, oisika.chakrabarti[at]
Ergebnisse des zweiten Treffens der Feministischen Parteien Europas
Feministiskt initiativs på internationell konferens – Rapport från European Feminist Parties Coordination Board meeting
Polen war Gastgeber für das zweites Treffen der Feministischen Parteien Europas
Das Ergebnis zeigt: Feministische Positionen sind grenzenlos!
Zum zweiten Mal trafen sich Vertreterinnen der vier Feministischen Parteien Europas. Nach der Gründung des Dachverbandes der Feministischen Parteien Europas in Valencia / Spanien im Oktober vergangenen Jahres war diesmal die polnische Partia Kobiet in Danzig / Polen Gastgeberin für die Feministik Initiativ aus Schweden, die spanische Iniciativa Feminista und die deutsche Feministische Partei DIE FRAUEN.
Das Treffen am 27. August 2011 in der Humanistischen Hochschule in Danzig war ein großer Erfolg: trotz der zum Teil großen Unterschiede bezüglich der nationalen Voraussetzungen wurden 14 gemeinsame politische Forderungen zusammengetragen. Diese länderübergreifen-de Einigkeit stellt eine große Stärke der feministischen Politik in Europa dar. Sie belegt auch, dass die Forderungen des Feminismus entgegen der heute oft geäußerten Ansicht nicht über-holt, sondern für die europäischen Frauen sowie für die soziale und ökonomische Zukunft Eu-ropas dringend notwendig sind.
27. August 2011: Vertreterinnen der feministischen Parteien Europas in Danzig
Die Forderungen lauten:
1. Ablehnung von Krieg, Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung. Feminismus ist pazifistisch
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen sich dafür einsetzen, dass internationale Konflikte gewaltfrei gelöst werden können Konflikte müssen auf demokratischem und diplomatischem Weg anstatt mit Waffen bearbeitet werden.2. Vollständige Veränderung der kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsordnung: das Wohl der Menschen und nicht der Profit muss im Mittelpunkt der Ökonomie stehen Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen sicherstellen, dass die herrschende kapitalistische neoliberale Wirtschaftsform in ein kooperatives Wirtschaftsmodell umgewandelt wird. Statt Reichtum und Ressourcen als Besitz Einzelner – insbesondere Männer – weiter anzuhäufen, muss Verteilungsgerechtigkeit sowohl zwischen Frauen und Männern als auch zwischen den Völkern im Mittelpunkt stehen.
3. Trennung von Staat und Religion Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen eine säkulare Politik gewährleisten. Religion ist eine Privatangelegenheit und darf nicht staatlich begünstigt werden. Zudem sind die meisten religiösen Kulturen von Unterdrückung und Diskriminierung von Frauen geprägt.
4. Bekämpfung der strukturellen Gewalt gegen Frauen, Gewährleistung ih-rer physischen und psychischen Unversehrtheit Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen verstärkt Maßnahmen gegen die strukturelle Gewalt gegen Frauen ergreifen. Dazu gehört auch eine erhöhte Sensibilisierung für häusliche und sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen auf allen gesellschaftlichen Ebenen.
5. Abschaffung von sexueller Ausbeutung Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen sexuelle Ausbeutung bekämpfen. Ein postiver Ansatz ist die „schwedische Lösung”, die den Kauf sexueller Dienstleistungen und nicht die Prostituierten kriminalisiert. Menschenhandel muss konsequent bekämpft und die Betroffenen geschützt werden.
6. Bekämpfung von Sexismus und der Reproduktion von Geschlechterstereotypen in Medien Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen sexistische und stereotypisierende Darstellungen in den Medien bekämpfen. In fast allen Medien werden überholte und einschränkende männliche und weibliche Rollenbilder transportiert. Gleichwertigkeit und Gleichstellung der Geschlechter kann nur durch Überwindung dieser Stereotypen erreicht werden.
7. Recht auf Selbstbestimmung der Frauen über ihre Fortpflanzung Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen das Recht der Frauen auf Selbstbestimmung in Bezug auf Verhütung, Abtreibung und Fortpflanzung durchsetzen.
8. Freie Wahl der Lebensweise Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen die freie Wahl der Lebensweise garantieren, gleichgültig ob Frauen allein, mit Partnerinnen oder Partnern, mit Kindern oder ohne Kinder leben.
9. Förderung der Gleichstellung durch das Bildungssystem Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen sicherstellen, dass die Erziehung und Ausbildung der Kinder gendersensibel erfolgt. Nur dadurch kann gewährleistet werden, dass Mädchen und Jungen ihre individuellen Neigungen und Fähigkeiten ohne Beschränkung durch Rollenzwänge entwickeln können.
10. Politische, ökonomische und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe von Frauen gemäß ihrem Bevölkerungsanteil Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen sicherstellen, dass der gesellschaftliche, ökonomische und politische Einfluss der Frauen ihrem Bevölkerungsanteil entspricht.
11. Gleicher Lohn für gleiche und gleichwertige Arbeit Bis jetzt erhalten Frauen in keinem der Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union für gleiche oder gleichwertige Arbeit den gleichen Lohn wie Männer. Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen sicherstellen, dass Lohngleichheit zwischen Männern und Frauen hergestellt wird.
12. Gleiche Aufteilung der Elternzeit zwischen Vätern und Müttern Gleiche Verantwortung für ein Kind übernehmen bedeutet, dass der Elternurlaub gleichmäßig auf Mutter und Vater verteilt werden muss. Frauen und Männer müssen dabei unterstützt werden, sich aus überkommenen Rollenmustern zu lösen. Es soll verhindert werden, dass Frauen durch die Fürsorgearbeit, die sich aus der Geburt eines Kindes ergibt, im Berufsleben sowie in der sozialen Absicherung benachteiligt werden. Vätern muss es erleichtert werden, mehr Zeit mit ihren Kindern verbringen zu können. Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen daher sicherstellen, dass beide Elternteile die Elternzeit zu gleichen Teilen in Anspruch nehmen.
13. Individuelle Existenzsicherung. Keine Abhängigkeit sozialer Transfer-leistungen vom Familienstand. Individualbesteuerung statt Ehegatten-splitting Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen sicherstellen, dass jedem Individuum eine von anderen Menschen ökonomisch unabhängige Lebensführung ermöglicht wird. Das kann entweder durch eine Erwerbsarbeit oder durch eine Grundsicherung erfolgen. Beides muss in existenzsichernder Höhe bezahlt werden. Jedes Individuum ist individuell zu besteuern.
14. Unterstützung von Alleinerziehenden durch soziale, wirtschaftliche und infrastrukturelle Maßnahmen Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union müssen sicherstellen, dass Alleinerziehende wirtschaftlich abgesichert sind, durch flexible Arbeitszeiten und ausreichende Kinderbetreuung unterstützt werden und in ein ausreichendes soziales Netzwerk eingebunden sind.
Die Bundessprecherinnenrunde der Feministischen Partei DIE FRAUEN bewertet diese Konferenz als einen großen Schritt vorwärts in der Geschichte des politischen Feminismus: „Unser Ziel ist es, nach den Europawahlen 2014 im Europaparlament vertreten zu sein und eine Feministische Gruppe im Europäischen Parlament zu verwirklichen.“
Die Konferenz ruft weitere Feministische Parteien, die sich in der Aufbauphase befinden und an den nächsten Europawahlen teilnehmen wollen, dazu auf, sich dem Dachverband der Feministischen Parteien Europas anzuschließen. Die nächste Konferenz der Feministischen Parteien in Europa wird im August 2012 in München stattfinden.
Fifty Ways to Prevent Yourself from Being a Rapist
Tips for Men: Forward This to All Your Male Friends
You know, it’s a pretty simple concept. We have a long history of male violence against women on this planet. A very, very long history. And for a very, very long time women have been trying to protect themselves from it. So far, as you can see from reading a newspaper, or simply talking to a woman you know, or maybe from your own experience you will know, it has not worked. We have not managed to make men stop raping us. I do not think we ever will manage that.
Some Tips for Activist Groups: how to be more inclusive to people with disabilities (ie, the differently abled)
First, understand this is being written for people who are interested in it, as suggestions in case you want them, by someone who is disabled by chronic illnesses. Since much of society is not inclusive or understanding of many types of disabilities, and often this is because people simply are not aware of facts of life for people with disabilities, there are perhaps some things that activists are not aware of too. So these are just some tips, based on personal experience and in networking with other people with disabilities, including many women interested in political activism. … More…
Daring to Be Ourselves: Inspiring Quotes
Influential Women Share Insights on
Courage, Happiness and Finding Your Own Voice
„Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.“ —Margaret Mead
Feministing: Time for Some Feminist Activism
Playwright and founder of V-Day, Eve Ensler, informed us that „Our destiny will not be changed by the people on top.“ In other words, this weekend was all about the grassroots movement. We can no longer rely on elected officials to eventually come around and see the light on issues that affect women worldwide; we must take back the power, motivate allies to increase our strength in numbers, and develop our own solutions. …More…
Feministiskt initiativs på internationell konferens – Rapport från European Feminist Parties Coordination Board meeting Gdansk, Poland
Maria Borgström
Europeiska Feministiska partiers styrelse har haft möte i Gdansk, Polen 27-28 augusti. Mötet var det andra efter samarbetets start i oktober 2010. Målet var att finna gemensamma politiska områden.
Deltagande partier var Partia Kobiet från Polen som stod värd, Feministische Partei Die Frauen från Tyskland, Iniciativa Feminista från Spanien och Feministiskt initiativ från Sverige. Mötet blev en stor succé då partierna kunde enas på inte mindre än 14 olika politikområden. Det här är en stor styrka för den feministiska politiken i Europa. Att partier från fyra olika länder med så stor skillnad i förutsättningar på området jämställdhet ändå kommer till samma krav på politik för jämställdhet ger stor trovärdighet och tyngd åt den feministiska politiken.
Rubrikerna är de ursprungliga formuleringarna på engelska.
1. Violence against women
• security
• Education
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa kvinnors säkerhet och ett defenitivt slut på mäns våld mot kvinnor. För det krävs ett helhetsgrepp från Unionens sida och att det ställs krav på varje enskild stat. Utbildningsnivån måste höjas inom rättsväsende, för beslutsfattare, bland myndigheterna, i media och bland allmänheten. Majoriteten av män är inte våldsamma men det är ändå gruppen män som står för den största andelen våld i samhället. Det här behöver problematiseras och lösas. Den feministiska analysen från EFPCB är att det behövs förebyggande åtgärdsprogram riktat till män och pojkar.
2. Equal pay for professional work
• intra- and intersectoral
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa jämställda löner. Inget land i Europa har jämställda löner. Fortfarande är problemet stort att även inom samma arbeten med samma arbetsuppgifter betalas olika beroende på om arbetstagaren är man eller kvinna, där män favoriseras. Men även där man kommit till rätta med detta så kvarstår den sektorsövergripande lönediskrimineringen, dvs sektorer med övervägande kvinnlig personal har lägre löner. Inte bara enskilda länder utan även den Europeiska Unionen måste ta ansvar för lönefrågan.
3. Abolition of sexual exploitation
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa ett slut på den sexuella exploateringen. Detta innefattar prostitution där partierna är överens om att Sveriges lösning med att det är olagligt att köpa sexuella tjänster är en bra början. Men det krävs även inom Unionen ett stopp för trafficking och sexuellt utnyttjande.
4. Split paid parental care
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa varje förälders lika rättighet som förälder. Med en individualiserad föräldraförsäkring får samtliga föräldrar samma rättigheter till föräldraledighet och därmed samma ansvar för barnet. Så länge föräldraförsäkringen utgår från barnet är det till största delen kvinnan som tar ut föräldraledighet. Det innebär att barnet får mindre tid med pappa och att kvinnor som grupp arbetar mindre tid och därmed tjänar mindre pengar. Det är väsentligt att socialförsäkring som a-kassa och pension grundar sig på intjänade pengar. Den part som tar ut mest av föräldraförsäkringen är därmed också den som oftast har lägre inkomst och lägre grund för socialförsäkringen.
5. Individual social security
• independent of marriage, children and gender
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa att varje enskild individ inom Unionen har samma rättighet till socialförsäkringssystemet. I flera europeiska länder kan gifta personer inte få hjälp med socialbidrag pga. att deras make/ maka arbetar. Detta leder till en total beroendesituation som är oacceptabel och ohållbar. Även sambeskattning av gifta par leder till att allt för många kvinnor utför obetalt hemarbete istället för tjänstearbete då det gynnar familjens ekonomi bäst. Vi ser hela tiden hur familjen sätts i första rummet och kvinnors möjligheter till att som individer leva ut sin fulla potential åsidosätts. De feministiska partierna i EFPCB kräver en individualiserad socialförsäkring som är oberoende av civilstatus.
6. Female reproduction rights
• rights to the own body
• abortion right
• right to artificial insemination
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa kvinnors rätt att själva besluta om sina kroppar och ge dem självbestämmande över sin reproduktion. Flera av Europas länder har fortfarande ett regelverk som innebär att de inte har möjlighet till abort. Att ha rätt att besluta om sin egen kropp, sin sexualitet och reproduktion är grundläggande. Då flera länder inte säkerställer denna rättighet krävs att det Europeiska parlamentet har en feministisk syn på frågan och att länder som ansöker om medlemskap i Europeiska Unionen får detta som krav för inträde i Unionen.
7. Pacifism
• antimilitarism, conflict solution without violence
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa att lösningar på internationella konflikter sker utan våld. Samtliga partier inom EFPCB är eniga om en antimilitaristisk inställning till konflikter. Vad beträffar internationella konflikter så är det av största vikt att den Europeiska unionen intar en ställning av att med politiska medel, sanktioner och diskussioner lösa konflikter istället för med vapen.
8. Secular state
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa religionsfrihet och att ingen stat inom Unionen favoriserar någon särskild religion. Detta är grundläggande för jämlikhet. Den religiösa kulturen innebär även till stor del repression och diskriminering av kvinnor, inte minst i abortfrågan. Statskyrkan har dessutom en tradition av att vara styrd av män för män.
9. Work against sexual stereotypes in media
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa jämställdhet i media. Medias återkommande stereotypa sexuella ideal där kvinnor och män framställs utifrån cementerade föreställningar och som grundar sig på att vithet, manlighet och heterosexualitet är normen. I reklambranschen används fortfarande kvinnors kroppar som objekt vid försäljning av artiklar som vänder sig till manliga konsumenter. Från Unionens håll måste det tillsättas utredningar kring hur media styr normbildandet av det som anses vara manligt, kvinnlig, rasistiskt, sexuellt och åldersdiskriminerande.
10. Rejection of capitalism in favor of human needs
• respect of human rights
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa att människors behov sätts framför kapitalistiska målsättningar. Att säkra unionen och medlemsländernas kapital kan aldrig sätta framför mänskliga behov.
11. Proportional political, economical and social participation of women and men
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa jämställdhet såväl politisk och ekonomisk som socialt mellan könen. Detta kräver ett aktivt arbete från den Europeiska unionens håll. Jämställdhet uppnås endast genom att politiken förs så att den möjliggör kvinnors ökade inflytande i samhället och ökade ekonomiska tillgångar. Jämställdhetsarbetet innebär en maktomfördelning från män till kvinnor.
12. Single parent support policy
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa att ensamstående föräldrar har en hållbar livssituation. Deras situation är på många håll ohållbar pga ofullständig barnomsorg, svårigheter med ekonomisk försörjning som inte sällan grundar sig på att den andra föräldern inte betalar underhåll och att domstolar inte prioriterar sådana mål, liksom en arbetsmarknad som inte är flexibel för ensamstående föräldrars förutsättningar.
13. Education for gender equality
• throughout the entire educational system
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa ett jämställt utbildningssystem. I alla länder inom den Europeiska Unionen återfinns problemet att flickor och pojkar inom förskola och skola behandlas olika utifrån stereotypa föreställningar om kvinnlighet respektive manlighet. Även kränkningar på grund av etnisk och religiös tillhörighet, eller särbehandlas på grund av funktionsnedsättningar är återkommande problem. Det är dags att den den gemensamma Unionen tar tag i problemet genom att kräva en höjd utbildningsnivå på området och att framstegen mot jämställdhet kontinuerligt utvärderas.
14. Free choice of sexuality
• independence of heterosexual norms
Samtliga medlemsländer i den Europeiska Unionen måste säkerställa människors rätt till fritt vald sexualitet. Det sociala systemet, utbildningssystemet och arbetsmarknaden får inte grundas på heterosexuella normer. Familjen som bestående av mamma, pappa, barn kan inte vara mallen som trygghetssystem, hälso- och sjukvård, rättsväsende och utbildningssystem utgår från.
Rubrikerna översatta till tyska:
1. Koerperliche und psychische Unversehrtheit fuer Frauen
2. Gleiche Bezahlung fuer gleiche und gleichwertige Arbeit
3. Abschaffung von sexueller Ausbeutung
4. Gleiche Aufteilung der Elternzeit
5. Individuelle existenzielle Absicherung
6. Reproduktive Selbstbestimmung
7. Pazifismus
8. Gegen die Verbreitung sexuelle Stereotypisierung in Medien
9. Trennung von Staat und Religion
10. Ablehnung des Kapitalismus; der Mensch und nicht der Profit steht im Mittelpunkt der Oekonomie
11. Politische und oekonomische Teilhabe von Frauen gemaess ihres Bevoelkerungsanteils
12. Unterstuetzung von Alleinerziehenden
13. Freie Wahl der Sexualitaet unabhaengig von heterosexuellen Normen
14. Erziehung zur Gendergleichheit
Ansvarig från Feministiskt initiativ och för rapporten
Maria Borgström
Feministische Initiative über die Internationale Konferenz – Bericht von der European Feminist Parteien Coordination Board Meeting 110827, Gdansk, Polen
2. September
Maria Borgström
European Feminist Parteien hat der Vorstand in Gdansk, Polen 27. August getroffen, um 28. Das Treffen war das zweite von der Zusammenarbeit ab Oktober 2010. Das Ziel war, eine gemeinsame Politik zu finden.
Die teilnehmenden Parteien wurden Partia Kobiet aus Polen, die Feministische Partei Die Frauen aus Deutschland, Iniciativa Feminist aus Spanien und Feministinnen aus Schweden gehostet. Das Treffen war ein großer Erfolg, wenn die Parteien auf nicht weniger als 14 verschiedene Politiken zu vereinbaren. Dies ist eine große Stärke des feministische Politik in Europa. Von vielen aus vier verschiedenen Ländern mit einer so großen Unterschied in Bedingungen im Bereich der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter noch die gleichen Anforderungen an die Politik der Gleichstellung gibt große Glaubwürdigkeit und Gewicht auf die feministische Politik kommen.
Die Überschriften sind der ursprüngliche Wortlaut in englischer Sprache.
1. Gewalt gegen Frauen
• Sicherheit
• Bildung
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss sicherstellen, der Sicherheit von Frauen und definitiv ein Ende der Gewalt gegen Frauen. Dies erfordert einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz von der Union und die Voraussetzung für jeden Staat. Das Niveau der Ausbildung muss in der Justiz, politische Entscheidungsträger, einschließlich der Behörden, der Medien und der Öffentlichkeit erhöht werden. Die Mehrheit der Männer sind nicht gewalttätig, aber es ist immer noch unter den Menschen, die den größten Anteil der Gewalt in der Gesellschaft zu vertreten. Was Sie brauchen, ist problematisiert und gelöst werden. Die feministische Analyse der EFPCB ist die Notwendigkeit für Präventionsprogramme bei Männern und Jungen gezielt.
2. Gleicher Lohn für professionelle Arbeit
• intra-und intersektorale
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss sicherstellen, gleicher Lohn. Kein Land in Europa haben gleiches Entgelt. Dennoch ist das Problem von Bedeutung, dass sogar innerhalb der gleichen Aufträge mit den gleichen Job sind unterschiedlich, je nachdem, ob der Arbeitnehmer männlich oder weiblich ist bezahlt, wo Männer bevorzugt werden. Aber auch dort, wo sie in den Griff bekommen das so bleibt der sektoralen Lohndiskriminierung, dh Branchen mit überwiegend weiblichen Angestellten weniger bezahlt werden. Nicht nur einzelne Länder, sondern auch der Europäischen Union muss die Verantwortung für die Lohn-Ausgabe.
3. Abschaffung der sexuellen Ausbeutung
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss sicherstellen, ein Ende der sexuellen Ausbeutung. Dazu gehört die Prostitution, die die Parteien vereinbaren, dass die schwedische Lösung, dass es illegal ist, sexuelle Dienstleistungen zu kaufen ist ein guter Anfang. Aber es ist auch in der Union für ein Ende der Menschenhandel und sexuelle Ausbeutung erforderlich.
4. Split-paid elterliche Fürsorge
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss sicherstellen, jeder Elternteil die gleichen Rechte wie ein Elternteil. Mit einer individualisierten Mutterschaft, alle Eltern die gleichen Rechte auf Elternurlaub und somit die gleiche Verantwortung für das Kind. Solange Elternurlaubsregelung auf das Kind beruht, ist es meistens Frauen, die Elternzeit zu nehmen. Dies bedeutet, dass das Baby weniger Zeit wird mit Papa und dass Frauen als Gruppe arbeiten weniger Zeit und daher verdienen weniger Geld. Es ist wichtig, die soziale Sicherheit als die Arbeitslosenversicherung und Rente auf Geld verdient. Die Partei, die sich den Großteil der Elternzeit Regelung ist damit die am häufigsten ein geringeres Einkommen und geringere Basis für die Sozialversicherung.
5. Individuelle soziale Sicherheit
• Unabhängig von der Ehe, Kinder und Gender
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss sicherstellen, dass jeder einzelne innerhalb der Union das Recht auf soziale Sicherheit hat. In mehreren europäischen Ländern haben verheiratete Menschen nicht helfen, mit der Sozialhilfe durch. dass ihr Ehemann / Ehefrau arbeitet. Dies führt zu einer völligen Abhängigkeit Situation ist inakzeptabel und untragbar. Obwohl gemeinsame Besteuerung von Ehepaaren führt zu viele Frauen führen unbezahlter Hausarbeit statt der Leistung arbeiten, wenn es den Finanzen der Familie Vorteile besser. Wir sind ständig zu sehen, wie die Familie die erste Stelle setzen, und die Chancen der Frauen an Personen, die aus lebenden, ihr volles Potenzial zu durchbrechen. Die feministische Parteien in EFPCB erfordert eine individuelle soziale, unabhängig von Familienstand.
6. Weibliche Vervielfältigungsrechte
• Recht auf den eigenen Körper
• Abtreibung Recht
• Recht auf künstliche Befruchtung
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss das Recht der Frauen, selbst zu entscheiden über ihren Körper zu gewährleisten und ihnen Autonomie über ihre Fortpflanzung. Mehrere europäische Länder haben noch einen Standard, dass sie nicht in der Lage, die Abtreibung bedeutet. Nachdem das Recht, ihre eigenen Körper zu entscheiden, sind ihre Sexualität und Fortpflanzung von grundlegender Bedeutung. Seit vielen Ländern nicht gewährleistet dieses Recht verlangt, dass das Europäische Parlament eine feministische Sicht auf das Thema und dass die Länder einen Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft der Europäischen Union hat, kann feststellen, dass die Anforderungen für die Einreise in die Union.
7. Pazifismus
• Anti-Militarismus, Konfliktlösung ohne Gewalt
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss sicherstellen, dass Lösungen für internationale Konflikte stattfinden, ohne Gewalt. Alle Parteien in EFPCB einigen sich auf einen anti-militaristische Haltung zum Konflikt. Mit Blick auf internationale Konflikte, ist es unerlässlich, dass die Europäische Union eine Position, die durch politische Mittel, Sanktionen und Diskussionen, Konflikte zu lösen, anstatt mit Waffen beschäftigt.
8. Säkularen Staat
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss gewährleisten, Religionsfreiheit und dass kein Staat in die Union einer bestimmten Religion begünstigt. Dies ist von grundlegender Bedeutung für die Gleichstellung. Die religiöse Kultur ist auch weitgehend von Unterdrückung und Diskriminierung von Frauen, insbesondere in der Abtreibungsfrage. Landeskirche hat eine Tradition, von Männern für Männer ausgeschlossen.
9. Arbeit gegen sexuelle Stereotypen in den Medien
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss sicherstellen, Gleichheit in den Medien. Medien immer wieder stereotyp sexuellen Ideale, die Männer und Frauen zementiert Überzeugungen gemacht werden und auf Weiße, Männlichkeit und Heterosexualität Basis ist die Norm. Die Werbebranche ist immer noch die Körper von Frauen als Objekte in den Verkauf von Artikeln bei männlichen Konsumenten ausgerichtet werden. Von Die Union muss halten, um Untersuchungen, wie die media control Standard Bildung, was als männlich, weiblich, rassistische, sexuelle und Altersdiskriminierung werden.
10. Die Ablehnung des Kapitalismus zu Gunsten der menschlichen Bedürfnisse
• Achtung der Menschenrechte
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss sicherstellen, dass die Bedürfnisse der Menschen vor der kapitalistischen Ziele setzen. Sicherung Union und ihrer Mitgliedsstaaten Kapital kann nie über die menschlichen Bedürfnisse genommen werden.
11. Proportional Politische, wirtschaftliche und soziale Beteiligung von Frauen und Männern
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss sicherstellen, Gleichheit, politischer und wirtschaftlicher als sozialer Gleichheit. Dies erfordert eine aktive Bemühungen der Europäischen Union Richtung. Gleichstellung ist nur durch eine Politik, um Frauen mehr Einfluss in der Gesellschaft zu ermöglichen und eine verstärkte wirtschaftliche Vermögenswerte umgesetzt erreicht. Gender Mainstreaming bedeutet eine Umverteilung der Macht von Männern zu Frauen.
12. Single Parent Support Policy
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss sicherstellen, dass Alleinerziehende ein nachhaltiges Leben zu haben. Ihre Situation ist in vielen Orten unhaltbar wegen unvollständiger Kinderbetreuung, Schwierigkeiten mit der wirtschaftlichen Sicherheit, die oft auf, dass der andere Elternteil nicht zahlt Wartung und dass die Gerichte nicht vorrangig um solche Ziele sowie einen Arbeitsmarkt, der flexibel für Alleinerziehende „Umständen beruht.
13. Bildung für die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter
• Während der gesamten Bildungssystem
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss sicherstellen, die gleiche Ausbildung. In allen Ländern innerhalb der Europäischen Union gefunden das Problem, dass Mädchen und Jungen in Vorschule und Schule anders werden basierend auf stereotypen Vorstellungen von Weiblichkeit und Männlichkeit behandelt. Obwohl Verletzungen aufgrund von ethnischen und religiösen Hintergrund, oder gegen wegen seiner Behinderung ist ein immer wiederkehrendes Problem diskriminiert. Es ist Zeit, dass die Gemeinsame Union halten der Frage durch, die ein höheres Bildungsniveau auf dem Feld und die Fortschritte bei der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter nimmt kontinuierlich ausgewertet.
14. Freie Wahl der Sexualität
• Unabhängigkeit von hetero-sexuelle Normen
Alle Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union muss sicherstellen, das Recht der Menschen auf frei gewählte Sexualität. Das soziale System, Bildungssystem und Arbeitsmarkt kann auf heterosexuelle Normen basieren. Die Familie als bestehend aus Mutter, Vater, Kinder dürfen nicht die Vorlage Sicherheit, sind Gesundheit, Justiz und Bildungswesen basiert.
Se celebró la segunda CUMBRE EUROPEA de P.F.
Tal y como estaba previsto, el feminismo político europeo perfila sus programas y auna criterios en el desarrollo de sus puntos.
Hasta Gdansk, a orilla del Báltico, se desplazaron las portavoces de Iniciativa Feminista de España, Feministik Initiativ de Suecia y Feministische Partei DIE FRAUEN de Alemania que, junto con Partia Koviet de Polonia, anfitrión del encuentro, protagonizaron otro momento histórico: aprobaron por unanimidad catorce puntos fundamentales que deben contener sus programas y desarrollar sus políticas.
1. Tratar el tema de la violencia hacia las mujeres, tanto física como psicológica a través de políticas concretas y eficaces de seguridad y de educación.
2. La educación se desarrollará en todas las etapas a través de programas coeducativos, preparando para ello en la formación inicial y formación permanente a todo el profesorado.
3. Desarrollaran políticas que lleven a la igualdad salarial.
4. Que para conseguir la igualdad entre mujeres y varones llevarán a cabo políticas encaminadas a la abolición de la prostitución en Europa.
5. Los permisos de paternidad y maternidad serán iguales e intransferibles.
6. Introducirán programas de seguridad social individualizada.
7. Las mujeres tienen el derecho a decidir sobre su maternidad.
8. Rechaza la guerra como solución a los conflictos entre países.
9. Europa debe ser laica sin favorecer económicamente a ninguna religión.
10. Los medios de comunicación favorecerán el desarrollo de una sociedad igualitaria y pacifica, controlando la publicidad y el tratamiento que se hace del cuerpo de las mujeres y de los modelos masculinos y femeninos.
11. Nuestras políticas tenderán a erradicar el modelo neoliberal-capitalista que pone todos los recursos en las manos de muy pocos varones, permitiendo situaciones de gran desigualdad, pobreza y crisis en todo el mundo.
12. Participación proporcional de las mujeres en la economía, la política y la sociedad.
13. Soporte social y económico a las familias monoparentales.
14. Rechazo al heterosexismo como norma general de aprobación social y apoyo a la libertad sexual individual.
Es la primera vez que se realiza una reunión de partidos políticos para hablar sobre los temas que nos preocupan a las mujeres en general y que han sido reivindicaciones históricas del Movimiento Feminista en particular. Es la primera vez, por lo tanto, que se llegan a acuerdos en este sentido.
Todas las portavoces han coincidido en valorar la reunión de trabajo como extraordinaria, por la cantidad de contenidos tratados y de acuerdos alcanzados. También ha sido importante la participación de la militancia de Partia Koviet, que viajaron desde todos los puntos de Polonia para asistir al evento.
Para finalizar queremos resaltar que la Coordinadora Europea de Partidos Feministas se desplazó a Gdansk para apoyar a Partia Koviet en su presentación a los comicios que se celebrarán el próximo otoño en Polonia.
Alemania acogerá el tercer encuentro europeo en agosto del 2012.
Gdansk 27 de agosto de 2011.
Hielt seine zweite europäische Gipfeltreffen P.F.
Wie erwartet, vereint die europäischen politischen Feminismus skizziert ihre Programme und in die Entwicklung von Kriterien Punkte.
Um Danzig an der Ostsee, zog Feministische Initiative Sprecherin Spanien, Schweden und Feministik Feministische Initiativ Partei Die Frau in Deutschland, zusammen mit Parthien Koviet Polen, Gastgeber der Veranstaltung, inszenierte ein weiterer historischer Moment: einstimmig angenommen Vierzehn Punkte, die grundlegenden Programme enthalten und entwickeln ihre Politik sollte.
1. Das Problem der Gewalt gegen Frauen, sowohl physisch als auch psychisch durch konkrete und wirksame Maßnahmen und pädagogische Sicherheit.
2. Bildung findet in allen Phasen durch koedukativen Programme nehmen durch die Vorbereitung der Aus-und Weiterbildung für alle Lehrer.
3. Entwickeln Sie Strategien, die zu zahlen gleich führen.
4. Das auf die Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern durchführen Politik auf die Abschaffung der Prostitution in Europa zu erreichen.
5. Genehmigungen für die Elternschaft ist gleich und nicht übertragbar.
6. Einführung der sozialen Sicherheit Programme einzeln.
7. Frauen haben das Recht auf Mutterschaft zu entscheiden.
8. Lehnt den Krieg als Lösung für Konflikte zwischen den Ländern.
9. Europa muss ohne Bevorzugung einer Religion wirtschaftlich säkular.
10. Die Medien wird die Entwicklung eines friedlichen, egalitären Gesellschaft, die Steuerung der Werbung und die Behandlung, die Körper von Frauen und männlichen und weiblichen Modellen macht.
11. Unsere Politik wird dazu neigen, die kapitalistischen neoliberalen Modell, dass alle Ressourcen an die Hand der wenigen Männer, so dass Situationen von großer Ungleichheit, Armut und Krisen in der Welt auszurotten.
12. Proportional Beteiligung von Frauen in Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft.
13. Soziale und wirtschaftliche Unterstützung für Alleinerziehende.
14. Ablehnung der Heterosexismus in der Regel von sozialer Anerkennung und Unterstützung für einzelne sexuelle Freiheit.
Dies ist das erste Mal, wenn Sie ein Treffen der politischen Parteien zu Themen, die für Frauen im allgemeinen und historischen behauptet, dass die feministische Bewegung wurden vor allem zu diskutieren. Zum ersten Mal, daher treffen Vereinbarungen in dieser Hinsicht.
Alle Referenten haben zugesagt, die Arbeitstreffen, wie außergewöhnlich, die Menge des Inhalts Verträge und Vereinbarungen zu beurteilen. Ebenfalls wichtig ist die Beteiligung der Militanz der Koviet Parthien, die aus allen Teilen Polens gereist, um an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen worden.
Zum Schluss haben wir betonen, dass die European Coordination of feministische Partei nach Danzig gereist, um Koviet Parthien in ihrer Vorlage an den Wahlen am kommenden Herbst in Polen zu unterstützen.
Deutschland ist Gastgeber der dritten europäischen Treffens im August 2012.
Gdansk 27. August 2011.
Freiheit statt Frontex: Keine Demokratie ohne globale Bewegungsfreiheit
Die Dynamik des arabischen Frühlings strahlt aus in die ganze Welt. Die Aufstandsbewegungen im Maghreb machen Mut und Hoffnung, nicht nur weil despotische Regime verjagt werden, die vor kurzem noch unüberwindbar erschienen. So offen die weiteren Entwicklungen bleiben, im Dominoeffekt der tunesischen Jasminrevolution meldet sich in atemberaubender Schnelligkeit die alte Erkenntnis zurück, dass Geschichte von unten gemacht wird. Die Kämpfe richten sich gegen die tägliche Armut wie auch gegen die allgemeine Unterdrückung, es geht gleichermaßen um bessere Lebensbedingungen wie um Würde, kurz: um „Brot und Rosen“.
Die unglaublichen Tage auf dem Tahrirplatz in Kairo stehen für die Suche nach neuen Formen der Selbstorganisierung und Basisdemokratie. Der Wunsch nach gleichen Rechten, nach Autonomie und Teilhabe am wirtschaftlichen Reichtum, spiegelt sich aber auch in den Booten Richtung Europa wieder: jetzt aus Tunesien, seit Jahren aus Nord- und Westafrika. „Exit“ – sich die Bewegungsfreiheit zu nehmen und zu migrieren, um ein anderes, besseres Leben zu finden, und „Voice“ – die Stimme zu erheben und den Kampf vor Ort zu führen, sind keine Gegensätze, sie stehen vielmehr in einem lebendigen Wechselverhältnis.
Das hatten – noch offenkundiger – bereits die Umbrüche 1989 gezeigt. Die Abstimmung mit den Füßen katalysierte damals die Protestbewegungen gegen das realsozialistische Unterdrückungsregime. Die Mauer ist auch deshalb gefallen, weil die Menschen ihre Bewegungsfreiheit durchgesetzt haben. Um so verlogener erscheint heute die Freiheitsrhetorik westlicher PolitikerInnen, die angesichts der Migrationsbewegungen aus und über Nordafrika einmal mehr das Bedrohungsszenario der Überflutung bemühen, gegen die nun die europäische Grenzschutzagentur Frontex in Stellung gebracht wird.
Die EU-Regierungen haben die nordafrikanischen Machthaber hofiert und gestützt und sich in den letzten Wochen zögerlich bis bremsend gegenüber den Aufstandsbewegungen verhalten. Dahinter stecken starke ökonomische Interessen, aber auch die gewachsene Kollaboration in der Migrationskontrolle. Despoten wurden umso wichtigere „Partner“, je effektiver sie als Wachhunde für ein vorverlagertes EU-Grenzregime fungierten. Migrationsbewegungen aus Afrika sollten um jeden Preis eingedämmt werden.
Tausendfacher Tod und Leid nicht mehr nur auf See, sondern auch in den Wüsten und Internierungslagern waren und sind die Folgen dieser schändlichen Komplizenschaft. Die subsaharischen MigrantInnen, die aktuell in Libyen Opfer pogromartiger Hetzjagden werden, sahen sich unter dem Gaddafi-Regime seit Jahren einer systematischen Entrechtung, Willkür und Misshandlungen ausgeliefert. Die EU hat dem libyschen Diktator Millionen gezahlt und Überwachungstechnik geliefert, eine ähnliche Kooperation gibt es mit dem marokkanischen Machthaber, und bis vor kurzem auch mit dem tunesischen Regime. Die arabischen Revolutionen markieren jetzt das mögliche Scheitern dieses brutalen Ausgrenzungsprojekts der EU im Mittelmeerraum.
Mit den gezielt medial gestreuten Befürchtungen über einen Kollaps der Migrationskontrolle wird nun die weitere Verschärfung und Militarisierung des EU-Grenzregimes legitimiert, verkörpert durch Frontex. Die europäische Grenzschutzagentur ergänzt und erweitert die nationalen Kontrollsysteme, die seit Jahrzehnten auf Abschreckung und Kriminalisierung der Migrationsbewegungen zielen. Frontex soll – wie bereits vor der westafrikanischen Küste oder an der griechisch-türkischen Grenze – nun auch verstärkt vor Nordafrika zum Einsatz gebracht werden.
Italien erhält die Federführung für diese „Operation Hermes“. Das ist konsequent und schockierend ehrlich: In Folge des Schulterschlusses zwischen Berlusconi und Gaddafi kam es in den letzten Jahren zu unzähligen unrechtmäßigen Rückschiebungen im Mittelmeer, der italienische Staat hat sich geradezu als Meister im Bruch aller Flüchtlingsskonventionen inszeniert. Und nicht zufällig wird kriminalisiert, wer das Leben der Boatpeople rettet. Das zeigen die Fälle der Cap Anamur oder der tunesischen Fischer, deren Prozesse in Italien noch immer andauern.
MigrantInnen suchen Schutz oder ein besseres Leben in Europa. Sie wandern gegen ein Reichtumsgefälle, das ganz wesentlich in den neokolonialen Dominanz- und Ausbeutungsverhältnissen zwischen Europa und Afrika begründet liegt. In Europa muss sich der universelle Anspruch auf Freiheit und Demokratie deshalb am Umgang mit denjenigen messen lassen, die auf dem Weg der Migration gleiche Rechte einfordern. Frontex steht für den Ausbau eines tödlichen Grenzregimes, für das in einer freien Welt kein Platz ist. Der Tod an den Außengrenzen könnte schon morgen Geschichte sein. Aber das ist politisch nicht gewollt. Stattdessen führen die EU-Verantwortlichen einen regelrechten Krieg an den Außengrenzen.
Innerhalb der EU gehören Entrechtung und Abschiebung zum rassistischen Alltag, in dem „Integration“ als Druckmittel der Anpassung und Ausbeutung in den Niedriglohnsektoren benutzt wird. Doch dieser selektive Umgang mit Migration ist mit Widerständigkeiten und Beharrlichkeiten konfrontiert, die das System der Ungleichheiten und Unfreiheiten immer wieder herausfordern. Nicht zufällig findet in dieser bewegten Zeit ein dramatischer Hungerstreik von 300 maghrebinischen MigrantInnen für ihre Legalisierung in Griechenland statt. Und verstärkt flackern Bleiberechtskämpfe und migrantische Streiks quer durch Europa auf, seit Sans Papiers – insbesondere aus Afrika – vor 15 Jahren in Paris mit der Forderung „Papiere für Alle“ in die Öffentlichkeit traten.
Der Aufbruch in Nordafrika zeigt, was alles möglich ist. Es geht um nicht weniger als um ein neues Europa, ein neues Afrika, eine neue arabische Welt. Es geht um neue Räume der Freiheit und Gleichheit, die es in transnationalen Kämpfen zu entwickeln gilt: in Tunis, Kairo oder Bengazi genauso wie in Europa und den Bewegungen der Migration, die die beiden Kontinente durchziehen.
Zum Unterzeichnen der Deklaration bitte eine entsprechende kurze Mitteilung an schicken.
Manifest der spanischen Demokratiebewegung
Wir sind gewöhnliche Leute. Wir sind wie ihr: Leute, die jeden Morgen aufstehen, um in die Schule, auf die Uni oder in die Arbeit zu gehen oder um Arbeit zu finden, Leute, die eine Familie und Freunde haben. Leute, die jeden Tag schwer arbeiten, um den Menschen um uns herum eine bessere Zukunft zu ermöglichen.
Einige von uns betrachten sich als fortschrittlich, andere als konservativ. Einige von uns sind gläubig, andere nicht. Einige von uns haben klar umrissene Ideologien, andere sind unpolitisch, aber alle sind wir betroffen von und zornig über die politischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Zustände, die uns umgeben: die Korruption, die unter den Politikern, Geschäftsleuten und Bankern grassiert und uns ohnmächtig macht und uns unserer Stimme beraubt. Diese Situation ist bereits normal geworden, ein tägliches Leid, ohne Hoffnung auf Veränderung. Aber wenn wir unsere Kräfte vereinen, können wir das ändern. Es ist an der Zeit, die Dinge zu ändern und miteinander eine bessere Gesellschaft zu bauen. Daher halten wir mit Nachdruck Folgendes fest:
Die wichtigen Anliegen jeder entwickelten Gesellschaft müssen Gleichheit, Fortschritt, Solidarität, Freiheit der Kulturen, Nachhaltigkeit und Entwicklung, das Wohl und Glück der Menschen sein.
Es gibt unveräußerliche Rechte, die in unserer Gesellschaft gelten sollten: das Recht auf Wohnung, Arbeitsplatz, Kultur, Gesundheitsversorgung, Bildung, politische Teilhabe, freie Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit und KonsumentInnenrechte für ein glückliches und gesundes Leben.
Der gegenwärtige Zustand unserer Regierung und unseres Wirtschaftssystems trägt für diese Rechte keine Sorge, im Gegenteil, ist in vielerlei Hinsicht ein Hindernis für den menschlichen Fortschritt.
Demokratie kommt von Volk (demos = Volk, krátos = Regierung), was bedeutet, dass die Regierung für jede/n von uns da ist. Der Großteil der politischen Klasse in Spanien hört uns jedoch nicht einmal zu. PolitikerInnen sollten unsere Stimmen, unsere Meinungen in den Institutionen tragen, durch direkte Kanäle die politische Teilhabe der BürgerInnen ermöglichen, um dadurch den größten Nutzen für die Gesellschaft als Ganzes zu gewährleisten und nicht sich auf unsere Kosten bereichern, sich nur dem Diktat der wichtigsten Wirtschaftsbosse beugen und die Gesellschaft in Schach halten durch ein Zweiparteiensystem, das aus dem unbeweglichen Akronym PP & PSOE gebildet wird.
Die Machtgier und die Aneignung der Macht durch einige wenige erzeugt Ungleichheit, Spannungen und Ungerechtigkeit, was wiederum zu Gewalt führt, die wir ablehnen. Das überholte und unnatürliche Wirtschaftsmodell treibt die Gesellschaftsmaschinerie in eine sich selbst verschlingende Spirale, indem sie einige wenige reich macht, während sie den Rest in die Armut treibt. Bis zum Zusammenbruch.
Der Wille und der Zweck des gegenwärtigen Systems ist die Anhäufungg von Geld, wobei das Funktionieren und das Wohlergehen der Gesellschaft völlig außer Acht gelassen werden. Ressourcen werden vergeudet, der Planet zerstört, Arbeitslosigkeit und unglückliche KonsumentInnen erzeugt.
Die BürgerInnen werden zum Getriebe einer Maschinerie, die dazu da ist, eine Minderheit zu bereichern, die unsere Bedürfnisse ignoriert. Wir sind anonym, aber ohne uns würde nichts davon existieren, weil wir es sind, die die Welt bewegen.
Wenn wir als Gesellschaft lernen, unsere Zukunft nicht einer abstrakten Wirtschaft anzuvertrauen, die der Mehrheit niemals etwas von ihren Leistungen zurückgibt, können wir den Missbrauch beseitigen, unter dem wir alle leiden.
Wir brauchen eine ethisch-moralische Revolution. Anstatt Geld höher zu bewerten als Menschenleben, werden wir die Gesellschaft wieder in unseren Dienst stellen. Wir sind Menschen, keine Waren. Und ich bin nicht das Produkt dessen, was ich kaufe, warum ich es kaufe und dessen, von dem ich es kaufe.
Aufgrund all des oben Erwähnten bin ich aufgebracht.
Ich denke, ich kann es ändern.
Ich denke, ich kann dazu beitragen.
Ich weiß, dass wir das gemeinsam schaffen.
Ich denke, ich kann dazu beitragen.
Ich weiß, gemeinsam können wir es schaffen.
Spanische Protestbewegung „Movimiento 15M“
Feminismo en las plazas
Lo que se ha denominado Movimiento 15-M, por haber comenzado su andadura pública con una manifestación el pasado domingo en diferentes ciudades españolas, se ha tornado más potente y se ha extendido a toda la geografía española y a más de una treintena de ciudades europeas y a otros puntos de América Latina. Este movimiento, que se declara no partidista y sí político, tiene el motor de la “indignación”, como casi todas las rebeliones, pero ha demostrado una calidad y una forma de desarrollarse totalmente novedosas, instalando el código de la no-violencia, trasladando e involucrando por sintonía, por un sentir común.
Si lo multitudinario se tiende a relacionar con lo desorganizado, ‘Democracia Real Ya’ es la demostración de todo lo contrario. Desde sus orígenes, el movimiento ha demostrado una gran inteligencia y una gran efectividad organizándose mediante comisiones temáticas abiertas.
Las personas participantes se recuerdan continuamente que no hay que entrar al juego de las provocaciones que se puedan producir, eluden los slogans confrontativos y llaman a no beber alcohol para “mantenerse al cien por cien”. Sin duda, algo nuevo está pasando.
En la puerta del sol de Madrid hay espacio para las distintas iniciativas, reivindicaciones y sensibilidades. Y sobre todo, hay una atmósfera que facilita que surjan respuestas nuevas ante las dificultades y retos.
„La revolución será feminista“
Un ejemplo fue lo que sucedió el jueves pasado, cuando alguien arrancó de cuajo una pancarta que decía „La revolución será feminista o no será“. La reacción de la carpa feminista fue convocar un taller de feminismo para “principiantes” al que asistieron muchas personas. Y allí preguntaron qué se entendía por feminismo y se esclareció acerca de su significado en el momento actual.
Las feministas también han elaborado un Manifiesto en el que explican los motivos para estar en las plazas y apoyar el 15- M:
“Queremos una sociedad en la que el centro seamos las personas y no los mercados. Por eso reivindicamos: servicios públicos gratuitos y vitales como la educación y la salud frente a los recortes sociales y la reforma laboral.
Exigimos el uso de un lenguaje no sexista que nombre a todas las personas y esté libre de homofobia, machismo y racismo.
Queremos el compromiso de hombres y mujeres para la construcción de una sociedad donde no tenga cabida la violencia machista.
Las personas somos dueñas de nuestro propio cuerpo, por eso somos libres para decidir sobre él, disfrutar y relacionarnos con él y con quien nos dé la gana.
Queremos una sociedad diversa donde se respeten las múltiples formas de de vivir el sexo y la sexualidad (lesbianas, gays, intersexuales, bisexuales, transexuales, transgéneros, queers…).
Reivindicamos el aborto libre y gratuito.
Es imprescindible incorporar el enfoque feminista en las políticas económicas, en los servicios públicos, en la creación de otro modelo de ciudad y en las políticas ambientales para salir de la crisis.
Exigimos que las Trabajadoras Domésticas o Empleadas del Hogar estemos incluidas en el régimen general de la seguridad social. Exigimos que la transexualidad no se trate como una enfermedad.
Exigimos papeles para todas y que las mujeres migrantes disfruten de todos los derechos”.
“La revolución será feminista o no será” asegura una de las portavoces del colectivo desde una de las carpas de Sol. Se trata de una revolución por la libertad de todos y todas, de hombres y mujeres que comienzan a despertar a pesar de los impedimentos y la opresión de un sistema político, económico y social que se olvidó de las personas y construyó un mundo de papel cuyo único valor es el dinero.
Habrá avances, retrocesos y dificultades, falta de acuerdo y distintos puntos de vista que tendrán que converger, pues destaca la apuesta por el proceso, que va más allá de la inmediatez y del pragmatismo, una nueva postura vital ante el mundo que irá creciendo sostenida por las buenas intenciones y el genuino intento que jóvenes y no tan jóvenes, han lanzado al futuro. Se abre pues un camino de aprendizaje.
Tras una semana de múltiples y multitudinarias manifestaciones por toda España y por todo el mundo, 15-M ha decidido dar un paso más: ir a los barrios. La iniciativa ha surgido de una de las comisiones que se han creado en el seno del movimiento, la comisión de Expansión, y da respuesta al interrogante de cómo seguirá todo esto más allá de las elecciones del 22 de mayo.
La fecha que se ha elegido ha sido el próximo sábado 28 de mayo, a las doce del mediodía. A esa hora, todas las asambleas de municipios y barrios que se creen y que decidan ponerse en marcha se sincronizarán y comenzarán a hacer planes.
Mientras tanto, la comisión de Expansión está recogiendo información de todas aquellas personas que quieran poner en marcha la iniciativa y está elaborando un listado con todos los lugares que se están proponiendo.
Manifiesto Feminista a las Asambleas de Puerta de Sol , de Plaza de Cataluñaydel resto de plazas del Estado español
> *20 Mayo 2011*
> *
> *
> *Habiendo estado el MF independiente, desde su más tierna infancia, en
> sintonía con las causas y reivindicaciones que el Movimiento 15M está
> expresando ahora en las calles y plazas del país no podemos por menos
> que alegrarnos de su justo y esperado surgimiento que, por fin, haga
> saber a los políticos del sistemas económico y cultural surgidos del
> patriarcado, que otras formas y modos de convivir en la sociedad son
> posibles si se tiene voluntad de escuchar a la ciudadanía y de cubrir
> sus necesidades.*
> *Y por eso, además de nuestra presencia física, no queremos que
> nuestras voces, sistemáticamente desoídas y silenciadas, sigan sin
> aparecer en esta espontánea reacción ciudadana y juvenil y reclamamos
> y sugerimos nuestra participación y opinión para que se incluya el
> sesgo feminista tanto en el lenguaje como en las reivindicaciones que
> se expresan en los manifiestos y declaraciones. Queremo contribuir con
> nuestras propuestas de liquidación del sistema patriarcal que impera
> en todos los ámbitos sociales y culturales oficiales, con una
> tendencia al alza preocuante a nivel internacional de radicalización
> de las ideologías sexistas discriminatorias (veanse las noticias de
> hoy sobre las aseguradoras del grupo Munich Re. Y los contínuos
> escándalos de políticos e industriales del mundo en su trato con
> mujeres, sin ir más lejos)*
> *
> *
> *Una democracia real debería incluir todas las opciones en su justa
> proporción donde cada voto cueste lo mismo venga de donde venga,
> haciendo valer los derechos constitucionales que ahora mismo no se
> cumplen. Sin una ley electoral justa y equitativa, no se puede hablar
> de sociedad democrática alguna. Y un Parlamento dividido en la
> práctica en dos bloques que representan y defienden a los mismos
> intereses multinacionales que están destruyendo el mundo, tampoco es
> democrático. Cambiar la ley electoral es imprescindible.*
> *¿Cuales serían esas propuestas básicas revolucionarias y pacifistas?*
> *La eliminacióin de los paraísos fiscales, un control férreo de la
> evasión de impuestos y la fuga de capitales, incrementando tras ello
> los presupuestos de los servicios públicos, la educación y la
> investigación científica.*
> *La eliminación de la violencia como método de resolver los
> conflictos, empezando por acabar con la industria de armamentos
> bélicos, sustituyendola por la creación de industrias de enegías
> límpias como la solar, la eolica o la volcánica como en Islandia etc.*
> *La igualdad entre los sexos, empezando por desposeer a las religiones
> de los privilegios económicos, sociales y educacionales que tienen,
> pues son la base ideológica patriarcal de la sociedad que más
> dificulta la eliminación de los tabúes simbólicos discriminatorios.
> Una ley abolicionista de la prostitución que la declare violencia
> contra las mujeres,como la de Suecia o Islandia, acabando con ello con
> la explotación sexual más degradante y el negocio de mafias y proxenetas.*
> *
> **Tres pilares básicos para trasformar la sociedad eliminando los
> cánceres más sangrantes, causantes de todas las demás desigualdades e
> injuticias que sufrimos la ciudadanía.*
Manifest der spanischen Demokratiebewegung
Zum Blog
Gender Lectures
Das GenderKompetenzZentrum veranstaltet gemeinsam mit dem Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien (ZtG) die öffentliche Vortragsreihe Gender Lectures. Hier finden Sie sowohl Informationen zu kommenden Gender Lectures als auch ein Archiv der Berichte der bisherigen Vorträge. Die Gender Lectures finden während des Semesters jeweils montags 18.00-20.00 statt. ACHTUNG: Im Wintersemester 2010/2011 finden ausnahmsweise keine Gender Lectures statt.
„Wenn Daten diskriminieren“
„Mehr als Köpfe zählen? Politische Beteiligung und Gender“
„’Schema F‘: Geschlechterstereotype in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft – ungebrochen?“
„Familie und Gleichstellung – Einheit oder Widerspruch?“
„Determinanten geschlechtsspezifischer Partizipation“
„Geschlecht, Gender und Politik … eine kritische Bilanz der Parität“
„Familie zwischen Flexibilität und Verlässlichkeit – Der siebte Familienbericht“
„Die Ehe als Institution? Kritische Anmerkungen zur institutionalisierten Zweigeschlechtlichkeit“
„Die Relevanz von Geschlechterstereotypen für Berufsentscheidungen“
„Degrees of African Feminist Theory: Case Studies in Tanzanian Women’s Practices“
Informationelle Diskriminierung auf Grund des Geschlechts und der sexuellen Orientierung
„Working on the familiar – Was untergräbt die Deutungshoheit in der Familienpolitik?“
Spielt das Geschlecht (k)eine Rolle im Schulalltag?“
„Von Gender (Mainstreaming) zu Diversity (Management)?“
„Tarif und Betrieb – Determinanten des Pay Gap im Handlungsbereich der Sozialpartner“
„Geschlechterdifferenzierung und Gleichheitssnorm: Tücken der Gleichzeitigkeit“
Glass Ceiling in Academic Administration: The Turkish Case in 1990ies versus 2000s
„Die kulturelle Politik von Hass und Gewalt“
„Weltmarkt Haushaltsarbeit – ein blinder Fleck in der Gleichstellungspolitik“
„Frau Maphrodit…“ – „Nein, Herr Maphrodit!“ — Ein 3D-Survival-Kit für Andersgeschlechtliche in einer 2D-Matrix
„Feminist Economics in Europe“
„Modernisierung von Arbeits- und Geschlechterverhältnissen – Hartz I, II, III, IV und wie weiter?“
„Determinanten des Gender Pay Gap im internationalen Vergleich“
„Hauptsache Arbeit? – Strategien zur Erhöhung der Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen“
„Kinderwunsch ade? Warum Frauen und Männer (keine) Kinder haben wollen“
„Viel gelobt, aber nicht begehrt? Familie heute. Zum Wandel von Familienstrukturen und -leitbildern“
„Work-Life-Balance statt Vereinbarkeit? Diskursive Verschiebungen und veränderte Problemlagen“
„Gender-inclusive language: Gender-Aspekte der Globalisierung der englischen Sprache“
Outstanding challenges in a post-equality era: trans and same sex legislation in Spain
„Bevölkerungspolitik als Geschlechterpolitik“
„Macht und Mikropolitik Strategien weiblicher Leitungskräfte“
„Gender Mainstreaming in Schweden: Aktueller Stand und Ausblick“
„Feminisierung der Politik? Neue Entwicklungen und alte Muster der Repräsentation“
„Die prekäre politische Repräsentation von Migrantinnen in der Europäischen Union“
„Multiple Inequalities, Intersectionality and Gender Mainstreaming“ (ppt)
Teaching Feminist Activism: Reflections on an Activism Assignment in Introductory Women’s Studies
A brief narrative description of the journal article, document, or resource. In this article, the author describes a feminist activism assignment that would allow students to „do something“ about the many difficult social injustices they learn about in her class. The „Feminist Activism Project“ has become a source of hope, frustration, anxiety, and ultimately ambivalence about the assignment’s pedagogical merits. While there have been moments of excitement about the insights the assignment has inspired in some students, the author has also continuously been disappointed by her inability to guide students to the heightened level of reflexivity that the project aims to produce. Further, she has developed a deep sense of alarm at the project’s potential for reifying students‘ tendencies to distance themselves from less fortunate „Others.“ In other words, she is concerned that some students may come to view activism as something to be done to improve the circumstances of „the poor“ or „the rape victim,“ for example, without ever making connections between their own various social positionings and those in whose behalf the activism is performed. This article makes provisional attempts to address a series of paradoxes that the feminist activism project has ultimately raised in relation to the author’s ever-evolving feminist pedagogy. It also presents four main reasons why the author developed the project and her reflections on the feminist activism assignment.
Feminist Activism Award
Feminist Activism Award
History and Overview
In 1994 Carla Howery proposed the Feminist Activism Award to annually recognize a SWS member who has made notable contributions to improving the lives of women in society, especially through activism. While scholarship is not unimportant for a nomination, the clear emphasis is on a member’s advocacy work that reflects the goals of SWS. The key rationale for the award was that no such award existed in other sociological groups and associations for this critical, but often unrecognized work -work that was consistent with SWS goals. (Much of the information in this history was excerpted from the Proposal for the Feminist Activism Award as published in the 1994 issue of Network News.)
The award was approved by the membership at the winter meeting in 1994 and first awarded in August 1994. At the 1994 SWS summer business meeting, the members in attendance voted to name the award for its first recipient, Pauline Bart. In 2000, Pauline Bart asked that her name be removed from the award and her request was honored. The award will remain unnamed, unless a proposal for naming this or any other award is presented to and approved by the Awards Committee and ultimately the membership.
In 2001 the Social Action Task Force proposed enhancements to the feminist activism award which were approved at the summer business meeting. In addition to a $1,000 stipend for the honoree, a travel budget of $1500 was approved which would enable the award winner the opportunity to travel to two college campuses for a presentation on their approach to social activism. (For more information on how your campus can become one of the two hosts for the Feminist Activism Award Winner, see the call for applications in Network News or the description on this website.)
Criteria for Selection
The recipient of the Feminist Activism Award should be a SWS member who had consistently used sociology to better the lives of women. The individual is honored as an activist, rather than as a function of her place of employment or academic achievements. Thus, recipients could include volunteers, non-volunteers, academicians, and private/public sector employees. The emphasis of this award is on advocacy and outreach efforts.
Nature of the Award
The award was designed to honor a SWS member whose efforts embody the goal of service to women and the identifiable improvement of women’s lives. While those efforts are directed toward women, they need not exclude children, men, and special populations. The award honors SWS members, not to exclude other activists, but instead to honor individuals who might not otherwise receive acknowledgement.
Nomination Procedures
While there are no set guidelines for a nomination packet, a winning packet tends to have these elements: A document (e.g. curriculum vitae, brief biography) providing an accounting of the activist contributions and their impact, testimonials from those benefiting from or witnessing the activism, and any other supporting documents, such as newspaper clippings. Most importantly, the nomination packet should clearly indicate how these activities have improved conditions for women in society. Packets should be sent to the SWS chair as specified in the award announcement posted in Network News (deadline is March 1st). The SWS award chair will distribute copies of the packets to her/his committee. The committee chair will acknowledge nominations received, notify recipients, and communicate the selection process outcome to all nominees.
The Award Presentation
The annual award is presented at the August SWS Banquet. A speech is given by the award chair outlining the contributions of the recipient and a plaque is presented. The speech is published in Network News.
Campus Visits
The awardee visits two universities, to celebrate and enhance feminist scholarship and social activism on campus. See the Call for Campus Visit Applications for further information.
Past Recipients
* 2010 Akosua Adomako Ampofo
* 2009 Lora Bex Lempert
* 2008 Esther Chow
* 2007 Carroll Estes
* 2006 Patricia Yancey Martin
* 2005 Carole Joffee
* 2004 Judith Auerbach
* 2003 Patricia Ulbrich
* 2002 Jean Peterman
* 2001 Joan Mandle
* 2000 Ronnie Steinberg
* 1999 Marejoyce Green
* 1998 Diana Pearce
* 1997 Carla Howery & the Northeastern Illinois Group – Susan Stall, Martha Thompson, Barbara Scott
* 1996 Roberta Spalter-Roth
* 1995 Pauline Bart
Grassroots: A Field Guide for Feminist Activism
Publisher Comments:
From the authors of Manifesta, an activism handbook that illustrates how to truly make the personal political. Grassroots is an activism handbook for social justice. Aimed at everyone from students to professionals, stay-at-home moms to artists, Grassroots answers the perennial question: What can I do? Whether you are concerned about the environment, human rights violations in Tibet, campus sexual assault policies, sweatshop labor, gay marriage, or the ongoing repercussions from 9-11, Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards believe that we all have something to offer in the fight against injustice. Based on the authors‘ own experiences, and the stories of both the large number of activists they work with as well as the countless everyday people they have encountered over the years, Grassroots encourages people to move beyond the „generic three“ (check writing, calling congresspeople, and volunteering) and make a difference with clear guidelines and models for activism. The authors draw heavily on individual stories as examples, inspiring readers to recognize the tools right in front of them — be it the office copier or the family living room — in order to make change. Activism is accessible to all, and Grassroots shows how anyone, no matter how much or little time they have to offer, can create a world that more clearly reflects their values.
About the Author
Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards are the co-authors of Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future (FSG, 2000) as well as co-founders of the progressive speakers‘ bureau Soapbox.
„‚[L]ike punk rock, feminism is also based on the idea that you, an average schmo, have the power to take matters into your own hands.‘ In this unquestionably useful, undoubtedly feel-good guide to feminist activism, the authors of Manifesta reveal how women can effect change without being highly experienced (suburban teenagers and investment bankers can do it), morally irreproachable (one can protest Nike’s labor practices and still wear its shoes) or dull and unfashionable (Legally Blonde’s Elle Woods is an activist — albeit a fictional one). As the Elle Woods reference demonstrates, encouraging activism in the Sex and the City crowd can be straining, but the authors‘ warm, encouraging tone and examples of everyday people doing good — themselves included — are inspiring. ‚You don’t have to take the world on your shoulders — you just need to take advantage of the opportunities your life provides for creating social justice,‘ they insist. Lauren, a 33-year-old writer at Smart Money, decided to join a lawsuit against her insurance provider for refusing to subsidize birth control; Allison started a feminist group to fight stereotypes at her Santa Barbara high school; Nisha makes queer-friendly films about South Asian women. Profiled along with many others, these women each embody Baumgardner and Richard’s eloquently argued claim that ‚activism should be of you, not outside of you.‘ Agent, Jill Grinberg. (Jan.)“ Publishers Weekly (Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information, Inc.)
دعوه للمنتدى الصيفي بمحافظة ظفا
يسر مركز المرأة والتكنولوجيا بسلطنة عمان – صلاله و بالتعاون مع مدرسة صلاله العالميه
أن يدعوكم للمشاركة في المنتدى الصيفي الأول لأبنائنا الطلبة
تحت شعار
„عيش التحدي“
يضم البرنامج في هذا الصيف مجموعة من الموضوعات والفعاليات والأنشطة المتنوعة والهادفة والتي وضعت من أجل تحقيق مبدأ أساسي ألا وهو مساعدة المراهقين والشباب على اكتشاف وتنمية قدراتهم الكامنة بطريقة إيجابية سليمة يستطيعون من خلالها مواجهة التحديات التي تعترض تقدمهم وتحقيق أهدافهم ونجاحاتهم في الحياة سواء على الصعيد العملي أو على الصعيد الشخصي والعائلي ، كما يعمل البرنامج على تقديم الدعم لهذه الفئة ليكونوا قادرين على مواكبة التغيرات المجتمعية التي تطرأ من حولهم بما يساعدهم على تحقيق متطلباتهم الاجتماعية والنفسية بطريقة سليمة ومتوازنة .إضافة إلى توعيتهم بحقوقهم وواجباتهم وتنمية مهاراتهم على المشاركة الفعالة في الحياة العامة بأسلوب حضاري متزن ، مما يؤهلهم للتواصل والتفاعل مع عائلاتهم ومجتمعهم بطريقة إيجابية وفعالة .
ينقسم المنتدى إلى ثلاث فئات :
فئة البراعم من الصف الأول إلى الخامس الاساسي رسوم الاشتراك 20 ريال عماني فقط
فئة الأشبال من الصف السادس إلى العاشر الاساسي رسوم الاشتراك 30 ريال عماني فقط
فئة الفتيات من 14 – 30 عامارسوم الاشتراك 40 ريال عماني فقط
المنتدى بإشراف المدرب العماني : محمود البلوشي بالاضافة إلى كوكبة من ألمع المدربين والخبراء والتربويين على مستوى السلطنة والخليج العربي منهم د.صالح الجعيدي من المملكة العربية السعوديه أ.عبدالله السباح المذيع المتألق من سلطنة عمان أ. يوسف الحسني الخبير العماني بفن الايتيكيت أ.نوف العبود التربويه اللامعه من المملكة العربية السعوديه وأ.سالم الوشاحي من سلطنة عمان
يصاحب المنتدى عدة ورش عمل ومحاضرات جماهيرية ودورات على مستوى رفيع وبأسعار تناسب الجميع الغاية هي الفائدة قبل كل شيء فلنتعاون معا لنشر الوعي الاجتماعي والتربوي والثقافي بوطننا الغالي
للاستفسار لا تترددوا بالاتصال بنا
Fatima Alshidad
Director, Center for Women In Technology
Salalah -Sultanate of Oman
8th European Feminist Research Conference – Call for papers
The 8th European Feminist Research Conference welcomes papers that keep in focus the connections among a number of relevant axes that frame current researches in the field. We have in mind connections between disciplines and interdisciplinarity; the past, the present and the future; gender and intersectionality; activism and power; local and global; margin and center. The strands listed below indicate the main lines of inquiry around which the Conference will be structured.
Participants must indicate the strand their paper addresses. Based on this indication the Conference Committee will create intersecting panels across different strands.
Conference Strands
1. Women’s and Gender Studies between Neo-discipline and Interdisciplinarity
2. Rooting and Shifting (in) Feminist Research: Assessing the ‚Turns‘ in Feminist Theory
3. Teaching ‚Gender‘ across the Borders of the Human, Social, Natural and Biomedical Sciences
4. Located at Crossroads of Race and Gender: Intersectional Analysis in Women’s and Gender Studies
5. Shifting Sexualities, Masculinities and Femininities: LGBTQI
6. Revisiting ‚Equality vs. Difference‘: Feminism in the 21st Century
7. Triple Helix of Social Inclusion: Connecting Activism, Policy-making and Gender Research
8. Feminist Legacies, Feminist Futures: Generating Feminisms
9. The Politics of Migration: Transnational Feminisms?
10. Re-Imagining ‚Europe‘: Imperialism, Post-State Socialism and Multiculturalism in the 21st Century
11. Violence Revisited: Security, War and Peace Narrated
12. Religion Revisited: Spirituality, Gender and the Post-Secular
13. Creativity Reconsidered: Rethinking Feminist Art, Media and Technological Practices
Abstract Submission Guide
Abstracts should have not more than 300 words and can only be uploaded using the online tool below. Abstracts must be submitted before June 30, 2011. The conference organizers also welcome proposals for whole panels as well as presentations by women’s centers, libraries, documentation centers, networks or publishers.
You will receive a password by e-mail for the abstract submission system when you register through the below link. You should provide your name and e-mail address to receive a password. Abstract submission is separate from registering for the meeting. Please take note of your login name and password. You will need them to re-enter the abstract submission system. Notification on abstract acceptance is September 30, 2011. All accepted abstracts will be published on the website.
Should you need help in using the abstract system please send a message to »
Rebellion: Smashing stereotypes of Arab women
The Arab revolutions are not only shaking the structure of tyranny to the core – they are shattering many of the myths about the Arab region that have been accumulating for decades. Topping the list of dominant myths are those of Arab women as caged in, silenced, and invisible. Yet these are not the types of women that have emerged out of Tunisia, Egypt, or even ultra-conservative Yemen in the last few weeks and months.
Not only did women actively participate in the protest movements raging in those countries, they have assumed leadership roles as well. They organised demonstrations and pickets, mobilised fellow citizens, and eloquently expressed their demands and aspirations for democratic change.
Like Israa Abdel Fatteh, Nawara Nejm, and Tawakul Karman, the majority of the women are in their 20s and 30s. Yet there were also inspiring cases of senior activists as well: Saida Saadouni, a woman in her 70s from Tunisia, draped the national flag around her shoulders and partook in the Qasaba protests which succeeded in toppling M. Ghannouchi’s provisional government. Having protested for two weeks, she breathed a unique revolutionary spirit into the thousands who congregated around her to hear her fiery speeches. „I resisted French occupation. I resisted the dictatorships of Bourguiba and Ben Ali. I will not rest until our revolution meets its ends, for your sakes my sons and daughters, not for mine,“ said Saadouni.
Whether on the virtual battlefields of the Internet or the physical protests in the streets, women have been proving themselves as real incubators of leadership. This is part of a wider phenomenon characteristic of these revolutions: The open politics of the street have bred and matured future leaders. They are grown organically in the field, rather than being imposed upon from above by political organisations, religious groups, or gender roles.
Another stereotype being dismantled in action is the association of the Islamic headscarf with passivity, submissiveness, and segregation. Among this new generation of prominent Arab women, the majority choose to wear the hijab. Urbanised and educated, they are no less confident or charismatic than their unveiled sisters. They are an expression of the complex interplay of Muslim culture, with processes of modernisation and globalisation being the hallmark of contemporary Arab society.
This new model of home grown women leaders, born out of revolutionary struggle, represents a challenge to two narratives, which, though different in detail, are similar in reference to the myth of Arab cultural singularity; they both dismiss Arab women as inert creatures devoid of will-power.
The first narrative – which is dominant in conservative Muslim circles – sentences women to a life of childbearing and rearing; women are to live in the narrow confines of their homes at the mercy of their husbands and male relatives. Their presence must revolve around notions of sexual purity and family honour; reductionist interpretations of religion are looked upon for justification.
The other view is espoused by Euro-American neo-liberals, who view Arab and Muslim women through the narrow prism of the Taliban model: Miserable objects of pity in need of benevolent intervention from intellectuals, politicians, or even the military. Arab women await deliverance from the dark cage of veiling to a promised garden of enlightenment.
Arab women are rebelling against both models: They are seizing the reigns of their own destinies by liberating themselves as they liberate their societies from dictatorship. The model of emancipation they are shaping with their own hands is one defined by their own needs, choices, and priorities – not anyone else’s.
Although there may be resistance to this process of emancipation, Tahrir Square and Qasaba are now part of the psyche and formative culture of Arab women. Indeed, they are finally given a voice to their long-silenced yearnings for liberation from authoritarianism – both political and patriarchal.
Soumaya Ghannoushi is a freelance writer specialising in the history of European Perceptions of Islam. Her work has appeared in a number of leading British papers including the Guardian and the Independent.
How to Play a Feminist
Shira Chess
Introduction: Feminisms Dont Play
This is not an essay about women. This is an essay about gender, about equality, and about the politics and power of play. More importantly, this essay is about feminisms.
Because feminisms dont play.
Feminisms work. And then work more. Feminist work is occupied with womens rights: in homes and in offices, with bodies, with technology, with health, and with politics. The feminisms of the past three hundred years have all been inextricably entangled with these matters of gravity and importance. As such, there has been no playtime in feminism. And why should there be: why would a series of serious social movements have time to concern themselves with feminine play or playful activism?
But it is time for a playful (and play-filled!) feminism.
In Gender Trouble, Judith Butler debates the political problematics of making women the subject of feminism. She asserts:
The juridical formation of language and politics that represents women as „the subject“ of feminism is itself a discursive formation and effect of a given version of representational politics. And the very feminist subject turns out to be discursively constituted by the very political system that is supposed to facilitate its emancipation. (4)
I would like to suggest that the politics of play is (a small) part of this complicated relationship between women and feminism. In the past, unfair representations of women as frivolous have created feminisms that often resist play. Of course, in reality, women are not, by and large, unplayful. Instead, representations of feminisms are often unplayful and limiting.
Being playful has power: it is infectious, unifying, and gratifying. As such, play can be a tool, a source of agency for feminists and activists to drive forward a sometimes stagnating political movement that has been trapped in cycles of serious self-importance, a work-obsessed feminism that often forgets the value of frivolity. My analysis hinges on a complicated relationship between feminism and play. In this relationship, authorized forms of feminine play are often marginalizing, and at the same time often decoded as „frivolity.“ This image of feminine frivolity is something feminisms have been trying to evade for hundreds of yearsand, thus, feminism and play are often at odds with one another. Theoretical aspects of masculine styles of leisure and play are often at odds with feminisms. This is further complicated when past feminisms responded negatively to playfulness, discouraging what is interpreted as behaving frivolously. Ultimately, I offer ideas about the value of more playful feminismsboth as an activist movement and as a cause unto itself. Admittedly, there is an inescapable cultural bias to my analysis of play, leisure, and feminisms. This essay does not seek to impose my cultural bias on the play styles of the world but, rather, open conversations to how we understand play, femininity, and (of course) feminisms.
I envision a feminism of play that has two primary goals. First, a playful feminism can be an advocate for feminine playsomething currently sorely lacking. Second, I see play as a potential tool to reignite activism in the feminist community. While these two things are very different, they emerge from the same core: both are affected by a dearth of feminine play. Ultimately, I propose that locating and embracing feminine play can help to engender better conversations about leisure and equality, and a better means to have that conversation.
Consumerism, Play, and Femininity: How About a Nice Shopping Game?
As I do not wish to be essentializing, I make no assumptions about how individual women choose to play. Instead, my focus is on gendered assumptions about feminine play and masculine play. And while individual play styles may vary wildly, feminine play styles do not. In turn, cultural assumptions about feminine styles of play naturally become enfolded into expectations of how women are expected to play. While feminism may not (as Butler suggests) be about women, and while femininity might not always map to women, these things easily become tautological loops of essentializations.
An example from my own experience will serve as an example of this. My academic research in gender and video games has often led me to use my mother as a guinea pig (as a captive audience; she often has no choice!). Like many other baby boomer women, she has never expressed any interest in video games and one day, in my frustration with her total indifference, I finally blurted out, What kind of video game would make you want to play?
She paused. How about a nice shopping game? she asked, earnestly.
I wanted to be surprised by this remark, but I wasnt. I realized that in the three-plus decades I had spent getting to know my mother, shopping was how we most often spent time together. For instance, when I, or my cousins, or her sister, would come for a visit, we would ritualistically scoop up my grandmother so that three generations of women could go wandering around the shopping mall looking for bargains at Macys, trying on lipsticks, and eating at the food court. This realization was unsettling, and yet I knew that my experiences of shopping-as-play were in no way unusual. Cultural assumptions of feminine shopping as play and sport are constant and consistent in the American cultural landscape. This is not to say that I am condemning consumerism or women for taking a part in it. It would be hypocritical of me to suggest that I am at all above sneaking away to Target for my play breaks from work.
But the more I thought about this comment, the more uneasy I became. Seeking another opinion, I mentioned this to a colleague. A shopping game? Wouldnt that be E-bay? she pithily replied. Indeed, I realized that gendered digital play, from video games to the internet, often takes on this consumerist guise. I soon became attuned to the word „play“ and its uses in feminine spaces. I found it often in cosmetics and skincare departments, and in advertisements promoting gigantic sales where women could go on shopping sprees. Within assumptions about femininity and generalizations about women, play is often inextricably linked to shopping and consumerism. And while masculinity is certainly not excluded from the shopping-as-play paradigm, there is an overabundance of stereotypes involving femininity, leisure, and shopping. On several occasions women have confessed to me a great distaste for the shopping rituals of Western femininity, but then almost always quickly add that they feel that not enjoying shopping makes them less feminine. To a similar end, men that I know that enjoy shopping often confess embarrassment of enjoying this supposedly feminine pastime.
Such anxieties are also often reflected in feminist thought. In Where the Girls Are, Susan Douglas discusses the complicated relationship, as it is perceived by many feminists, between women and shopping. Douglas suggests that advertising and media in the 1980s (and beyond) used feminist rhetoric to promote beauty and shopping to women. According to Douglas, advertisements commonly suggested that:
The ability to spend time and money on ones appearance was a sign of personal success and of breaking away from the old roles and rules that had held women down in the past. Break free from those old conventions, the ads urged, and get truly liberated: put yourself first. (246, original emphasis)
Similarly, associations between feminine consumerism and leisure are an unsurprising, and by no means new, area of scholarship. Shopping as leisure is a highly constructed category that has influenced (and been influenced by) our consumerist culture for over a century. For example, A. Fuat Firat writes of women and consumerism:
The femalespecifically, in visual culture, the female bodybecame the representation of the feminine, which was the ideal consumer in Western culture. She went shopping while he worked. She spent his money or earnings. Her frivolity in buying and consuming became a major topic of jokes in the culture. She was such a consumer that he had always to restrain her appetite for consumables. (210, my emphasis)
In other words, my mother is not alone. In Western culture, shopping is constantly represented as an allowable form of feminine leisure. Firats remark about the „frivolity“ perceived in shopping-as-leisure is notableit mirrors deeper implications about who is allowed to play in what ways, by gendered standards. It would seem that consumerism is one of the most sanctioned feminine forms of play, and yet it is economically marginalizing as an integral part of consumer culture.
To some extent, this obsession with shopping can be understood in terms of Althussers definition of interpellation. According to Althusser, individuals have a distinct relationship with ideologies. He suggests that individuals are hailed by ideologies, which (in turn) makes them a subject of that ideology. Althusser contends that while individuals are always-already subjects of their ideologies (84), being hailed involves a moment of recognition. Althusser illustrates:
There are individuals walking along. Somewhere (usually behind them) the hail rings out: „Hey, you there!“ One individual (nine times out of ten it is the right one) turns round, believing/suspecting/knowing that in reality these things happen without any succession. The existence of ideology and the hailing or interpellation of individuals as subjects are one and the same thing. (86)
In effect, Althusser is suggesting that the interpellation process is thoughtless and immediatethe Hey You is automatically interpellated and thus becomes part of how subjects understand themselves. In Bodies that Matter, Judith Butler takes Althussers interpellation a step further by suggesting that gender itself is interpellated. She relates this back to the moment of being born, when it is declared, Its a girl! or Its a boy! She explains:
Consider the medical interpellation which (the recent emergence of the sonogram notwithstanding) shifts an infant from an „it“ to a „she“ or a „he,“ and in the naming, the girl is „girled,“ brought into the domain of language and kinship through the interpellation of gender. But that „girling“ of the girl does not end there; on the contrary, that founding interpellation is reiterated by various authorities and throughout various intervals of time to reinforce or contest this naturalized effect. The naming is at once the setting of a boundary, and also the repeated inculcation of a norm. (7-8)
Thus, according to Butler, the interpellation of ideologies in general is simultaneously enfolded into the interpellation of gender ideologies. Just as the its a girl! moment helps the process of girling and constructs femininity in its always-already status, mass media and popular culture constantly reaffirm what it is to be a girl or a woman. And that process of interpellation can undeniably be said to include play practices.
If play can be understood as ideologically driven, then perhaps this gives us a clearer picture of how feminine play often turns into shopping and consumer culture. Just as there is an always-already expectation aligned with its a girl, later in life that same girl is always-already expected to treat shopping as a leisure activity. Of course, this is not to say that men do not shop, but media portrayals of masculine shopping and leisure are not nearly as embedded in the ideology of play. Along these lines, my mother could not possibly have thought of a video game other than a nice shopping game.
Masculinity, it seems, has more authorized, more important kinds of play, ruling domains such as sports and video gameswhat can be called agonistic play. For instance, in terms of video game play, both Henry Jenkins and Derek Burrill refer to typical video game play as masculinity par excellence. Burrill specifically discusses ways that video games are playgrounds for the construction and performance of masculinity or digital boyhood (2), arguing that the player is always already male (138). Similarly, research on gender and sports often focus on the inherent masculinity in sport culture. Michael Messner refers to sport as a contested terrain in terms of sex, but one often dominated by hegemonic masculinity, replete with its traditions of violence, sexism, homophobia, and militarism (4). Surely, these are not one-dimensional spaces and many women have found success in them, but by-and-large they are still governed by masculinity. As such, masculine play often involves gatherings of men playing and watching sports, or playing and watching video games. Agonistic playwhile competitivecomes from the Greek root which is slightly different from antagonism. It is about the camaraderie of competition. Whatever complaints one might have about steroid use in sports, or violence in video games, these things seem to be only by-products and anomalies. Masculinity, it seems, is permitted to define serious play, while femininity is relegated the aforementioned category of frivolousness
Of course, agonism is not the only kind of playbut it is certainly a form of play that is given weight and importance. What is essentialized as feminine play is often typified as frivolous: flirtation, gossip, and (of course) shopping. In Firats quote from above, she uses the word frivolity to describe what is often interpreted as womens obsession with shopping as leisure. This word is an important one, and I will later show how it has haunted feminist rhetoric for hundreds of years. Interpellations of women in terms of shopping and beauty often maps to feminist fears that women wont be taken seriously, and instead be seen as purely frivolous. But frivolity has its place. In Brian Sutton-Smiths The Ambiguity of Play, he writes of frivolity: No theory of play would be adequate if it did not leave scope for its own deconstruction and distortion into nonsense. Any earnest definition of play has to be haunted by the possibility that playful enjoinders will render it invalid (213). According to Sutton-Smith frivolity is the tool that will help us to better understand the core nature of play. So it isnt that women are stereotyped as never playing at all; but rather that their play is often taken less seriously. Feminisms (as I will explore later) are often portrayed as being entirely averse to play.
Defining Play and Leisure: Playing with Play
Johan Huizinga, one of the most prolific sociologists to ever write about play and games, wrote in Homo Ludens that play is a significant function of human life, and that Play cannot be denied. You can deny, if you like, nearly all abstractions: justice, beauty, truth, goodness, mind, God. You can deny seriousness, but not play (3). If what Huizinga says is true, if play is a significant, undeniable, and vital function of human life, then it is important to examine it. And, if what I propose is true, if femininity is at odds with this significant function, then there is a serious problem with frivolous repercussions (or vice versa!). Further, if femininity has such an ambivalent relationship with play, then we must ask how this has ultimately affected feminist thoughtboth in terms of advocating leisure and as a means of activism.
But what do I mean by „play“?a term that I have been tossing about loosely (until now) in this essay. Play is very neatly and cleanly defined by Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman in their book Rules of Play as Free movement within a more rigid structure (304). While this definition might initially seem simplistic, it is its simplicity that allows it to be understood and negotiated into a variety of contexts. While their definition works for game-play, it also encompasses imaginative play, word play, and playing an instrument. The inherent tension between freedom and rigidity becomes the compelling part of this definition, and perhaps a useful means of understanding things that are not necessarily automatically understood as play. I will later return to the power of play and the usefulness of this broad definition in terms of feminist activism.
Leisure can be distinguished from play to a certain extent. Leisure studies (mostly housed in sociology) tend to define leisure either in comparison to work, or else in terms of „leisure industries.“ Leisure studies topics tend to focus on several areas of inquiry, although travel and sports studies are the most common. For the most part, leisure can be understood in terms of a persons free time activities and a state of mind that goes with them (Parr and Lashua). So, in many ways, leisure is similar to play but at a slightly larger scope. Play is an activity done in leisure timebut by its definition also implies more freedom than leisure.
Studies of women and how they spend their leisure time shed light on the larger issue of feminism and play. Leisure studies usually addresses the topic in terms of sexual difference: they consider how women spend their leisure time and the specific ways that this leisure time is often overwhelmed by non-leisure themes such as work, housework, and family. While, as I have already stated, my focus in this essay is on gender and feminism and not on womens specific practices, leisure studies is one of the only areas of inquiry that has paid any attention to feminine leisure practices. Thus, because feminism and femininity often map back to womens practices, these things all become inextricably linked. This essay is not about women, but in order to understand the tumultuous relationship between feminism and play it is necessary to examine the equally problematic relationship between women and play.
According to research on women and leisure, one of the key issues is time: either too much or not enough. With many women still juggling work and home life, in what Arlie Russell Hochschild refers to as the second shift, womens leisure often plays out in snippets of time: knitting, watching television, and shopping are frequently stereotyped feminine play activities. This kind of play never becomes fully immersive and is about wasting time and filling time, not necessarily about having real and full leisure time. Womens play is often also about making families happy: engaging in other peoples play.
In her recent essay Feminism and Leisure Studies, Rosemary Deem has rather neatly summarized the problem with women and leisure: while many feminist scholars have taken some note of an unequal leisure situation, it is difficult to know what to do with this information in order to correct it. Deem explains, There is much discussion about the importance [] of gender ideologies but little attempt to explore how these actually work in the field of leisure (265). This observation seems to be get to the heart of the problem. While feminisms have instigated dialogues about problems in work, home life, politics, and health, issues of leisure have not been treated with the same weight. And yet, the complicated relationship between femininity and play, I would like to suggest, is embedded in the past three hundred years of Western feminisms.
Historical Contexts: Feminisms and the Politics of Play
While all women are not necessarily feminists, and all feminists are not women, the tenuous relationship between femininity and play has often been mirrored by a tenuous relationship between feminism and play. As already noted, these tensions have often found form in rhetoric against „frivolity.“ Therefore, as frivolity has importance and value, it becomes essential to explore some of this rhetoric in order to better understand this complicated relationship between women, feminism, and play. My selection below highlights themes of feminine frivolity. This focus on frivolity (as opposed to play) was, in part, out of necessity. Showing examples of how something does not exist is a difficult task but, at the same time, there are patterns. I did not have to go far to find references to frivolity and felt that, in many ways, this concept contributed to a rhetoric that does not generally support leisure and play.
Many of the early feminists (such as Mary Wollstonecraft), through the American First Wave of feminism (the suffrage movement) and all the way through to Simone de Beauvoir, were trying to make women appear less frivolous. For example, in her Vindication on the Rights of Women, Wollstonecraft writes that men view women as a swarm of ephemeron triflers and that they are reckoned a frivolous sex. This sentiment (and resentment) continues through the writing of many early feminist figures with detrimental repercussions. Often frivolity was overtly eschewed in these discussions about womens rights. In order to show their equality to men, women overcompensated for frivolous reputations and downplayed play.
Later, these issues were echoed in the American suffragist movement. Because the primary issues for suffrage involved political and educational rights, many of the important speeches and writings of the period focused on intelligenceor rather, whether women had equal intelligence to men. For example, in the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions in 1848, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her suffragist cohort said, Men, bless their innocence, are fond of representing themselves as beings of reason, of intellect, while women are mere creatures of affections (Stanton, 47). Similarly, in her Discourse on Women, Lucretia Mott explains:
The kind of homage that has been paid to women, the flattering appeals which have too long satisfied herappeals to her mere fancy and imagination, are giving place to a more extended recognition of her rights, her important duties and responsibilities in life. (74)
Thussimilar to WollstonecraftStanton, Mott, and other key members of the suffrage movement were primarily fighting a reputation that biologically designated them as frivolous: permanently incapable of making the adult decisions that men make. It was the driving need to combat this reputation of being emotional, frivolous, and childish that was essential to the womens movement of that time period. But, just as with Wollstonecraft, the negation of frivolity led to an eventual dissonance between feminisms, leisure, and play.
Admittedly, the leisure opportunities that were available to women in this period were only questionably playful. In her sociological study of American women (slightly before the suffragists), Harriet Martineau suggests that feminine leisure activities primarily served practical purposes and were ultimately shallow: As for the occupations with which American ladies fill up their leisure; what has already been said will show that there is no great weight or diversity of occupation (Martineau, 139). Thus, by Martineaus assessment, American women were just as limited in their leisure activities as they were in their working activities.
After the First Wave (and approaching the beginning of the Second), Simone de Beauvoir broaches these topics of play and leisure, but not in detail and primarily in reference to children. According to de Beauvoir, while boys are taught more competitive play styles from early childhood, girls are given play activities that initiate them into their destined sphere (281). Play and leisure for adult females does not particularly improve, either. Because womens leisure relies, in part, on the schedules of husbands and children, and must fit around the drudgery of housework or menial jobs, womens leisure time is more about wasting time and pleasing others. De Beauvoir describes the everyday plight of the married woman as constantly waiting for her husband to return home from work, only to be greeted by the disappointment it brings because of boredom and shallow intimacies. She writes, The evening is dull: reading, radio, desultory talks; each remains alone under cover of this intimacy. The wife wonders, with hope or apprehension, whether tonightat lastsomething will happen (475).While this discussion of leisure is notable (given the paucity of the topic in previous feminist rhetoric), she does not elaborate at great length or prescribe solutions.
More importantly, these remarks are not addressed by the Second Wave feminisms that were so deeply influenced by her. Rather, Second Wave feminisms largely abandoned this topic, focusing instead on serious causes: birth control, abortion, and advancing women in the workplace. And while these topics are all vital and necessary to furthering feminisms, they left little time for leisure: getting women into the workplace did not diminish their responsibilities at home, and so killed off any possible hope for promoting playtime. Feminist texts did not generally discuss women and leisure: they were too busy trying to get the serious stuff down
For example, in The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan explains that, post-suffrage, women were tricked by popular media back into a frivolous stance, pushing them to embody a mythological femininity as the happy housewife. She remarks, The image of women that emerges from this big, pretty, magazine is young and frivolous, almost childlike; fluffy and feminine; passive; gaily content in a world of bedroom and kitchen, sex, babies, and home (83). It seems that despite the hard work of the suffragists and other feminists in the early part of the twentieth century, Friedan shows that women were once again portrayed as childlike and frivolous. And, like her predecessors, Friedans call to arms involves dispelling this myth through career, through activism, and through stronger identity formation. But while these are logical and noble responses to being treated frivolously by men, there is no discussion (or understanding) by Friedan that frivolity might have its purpose too, in the form of play. As with previous feminist writing, Friedans depiction gets so caught up in the task of creating serious women that the identity formation of these women does not include room for play.
The one obvious exception to this would be the rhetoric supporting Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. This legislation is best known for seeking to give equal funding to womens sports, although it encompassed significantly larger territory than this.[1] While this struggle was important, the pro-Title IX rhetoric primarily advocated very specific kinds of play. A feminist stance regarding a right to play and leisure needs to be even broader, including women who both are and are not interested in sports.
Additionally, The Second Wave is notable for its use of playful tactics in activism. While this was not necessarily widespread, groups such as WITCH provided a more playful means of sending out a message. In the next section of this essay I will address play as activism, but for now it is important to note that even these groups did not necessarily advocate equal play as much as they advocated equal pay.
After the Second Wave, important voices such as Susan Faludi and Naomi Wolf continued to overlook play. Faludi, for example, fell into the trap of many of her predecessors, overcompensating for perceptions of feminine frivolity. Similarly, in Wolfs well-known book The Beauty Myth she takes on the seriousness of beauty, but does not recognize the problematic relationship between women and play within this equation, nor does she suggest alternative modes of beauty-related play. Ironically, she hits the nail on the head in her conclusion, asking:
Can there be a prowoman definition of beauty? Absolutely. What has been missing is play. The beauty myth is harmful and pompous and grave because so much, too much, depends upon it. The pleasure of playfulness is that it doesnt matter. Once you play for stakes of any amount, the game becomes a war game, or compulsive gambling. In the myth, it has been a game for life, for questionable love, for desperate and dishonest sexuality, and without the choice not to play by alien rules. No choice, no free will; no levity, no real game. (290)
Wolf is absolutely correct in these assertions but there are still two major problems within her observations. First, she does not recognize that the problematic relationship between women and play has contributed to this phenomenonthat women are using beauty as a form of play and that this deeply complicates an already complex problem. Second, she offers no real answer or solution to how women might go about finding this playful sense of beauty. In many ways, Wolf creates an impossible paradox for womenone that can be seen reflected in the nice shopping game remarks my mother made.
The Third Wave of feminism has touched on some of these issues, albeit often with mixed messages similar to those of the previous generations of feminists. In many ways, the Third Wave is about reclaiming individual narratives. In Jennifer Baumgerdner and Amy Richards Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future, they suggest that it is attention to individual narratives that makes the Third Wave unique. They explain, On every Third Wave Foundation membership card, for example, there is a place that asks, My issues are?, and no two cards have ever listed the same answer (47). Because a broader number of stories are told in the Third Wave, the space becomes more feasible for more narratives (both playful and unplayful) to be told. At the same time, the play and leisure of women is not a subject that has been focused on to any large extent in recent years. Perhaps many feminists today still have a fear of not being taking seriouslymaybe not for the same reasons that Mary Wollstonecraft or the suffragists wrote of, but for new reasons that are just as pressing (for example, fighting media impressions that feminism is dead). The confluence of many voices in the Third Wave is ripe for discussions of equal play. Todays feminisms need to reclaim play as an important facet of life. As Sutton-Smith suggests in his writing about frivolity as a form of play, frivolity is a valuable means of understanding the very nature of play itself. Frivolity is important. Instead of seeing frivolity as a negative image for women, and damaging to the causes of feminism, feminists should embrace the nuances of frivolity, and advocate play for all. Next, I will show how play also has potential for new forms of activism.
A Free (Womens) Movement: Play as Activism
It seems only fair to ask how something as serious as feminismor any activist cause, for that mattercan be benefited by more playfulness. After all, wouldnt play and frivolity potentially only play down the seriousness of a cause? But play has power that exceeds its own boundariesit is free movement within a more rigid structure (Reference) and if we were to consider the hegemonies and patriarchies of Western culture, it would seem that the definition of play that I have chosen (the notion of getting to move about freely) is precisely what feminist activists hope to gain. Salen and Zimmermans definition becomes particularly salient and useful when play is combined with activism. In essence, play spaces can become staging areas for feminist activism. This is something that some groups began to experiment with in the Second Wave, and something sorely needed by todays feminist movements.
As already mentioned, perhaps the most playful period of feminist activism to date was during the Second Wave. Activist groups such as WITCH used what can be considered playful tactics to carry out serious messages. In Sporting with the Gods: The rhetoric of play and game in American culture, Michael Oriard suggests that many feminists of this era were indeed deeply entwined in playful philosophies through debates over sexuality and in a radical feminist utopian vision (481). He explains:
What unites these different concerns is their common emphasis on articulating and realizing womens desires, freed from patriarchal oppression. The rhetoric of play in these two contexts has tended to come from different groups within feminism: utopian play from radical essentialist. Play can embody a number of radical feminist ideas: nonseparation from nature, rejection of domination, celebration of the female body and of intuition and feeling. (481)
Indeed, protest-play such as the WITCH protest at the 1969 bridal show in Madison Square Garden had playful and performance-centric elements: activists set free mice, wore black veils, and chanted Here come the slaves, off to their graves (Echols 97-98). Creative protests such as these have the power to help people move beyond their typical ways of thinking. Similar protests include WITCHs hex on Wall Street as well as the famous protest at the Miss America Pageant of 1969.
However, this playful activism was only a small part of the Second Wave movement, and was not often replicated. Additionally, it was often and easily conflated with much harsher (and less successful) attempts at activism during that era. SCUM (or the Society for Cutting Up Men) most obviously sits at this boundary between playful and non-playful feminisms of this era. Valerie Solanis famous SCUM Manifesto articulates much of the second wave frustration. Solanis writes:
Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation, and destroy the male sex. [] The male, because of his obsession to compensate for not being female combined with his inability to relate and feel compassion, has made the world a shitpile. (Solanis 514-515)
While this manifesto is to a large extent tongue-and-cheek, it simultaneously draws an unplayful line in the sand. Solanis SCUM Manifesto manages to be both playful and unplayful at the same timethe Manifesto rhetorically plays with (and turns around) past sexist assumptions to show its problematic nature, but at the same time appears unwavering and inherently morally superior. Further, one might even suggest that documents such as the SCUM Manifesto helped to carve an unplayful image of feminism (intentionally or otherwise) that filtered into future generations. Similarly, groups such as the radical feminist Cell 16 helped to construct non-playful images with their journal, No More Fun and Games. The message of abandoning play became an implicit part of how the public, the media, and many feminists themselves came to understand feminism. While the playfulness of WITCH may have been a useful tactic, the seriousness of groups such as SCUM and Cell 16 is the image that stuck. These small pockets of play that were found in the Second Wave were, in large part, unfortunately lost in most of the post-feminist voices of the early 1990s.
In WITCHs demonstrations, they created what I would characterize as a magic circle of play. Salen and Zimmerman use this idea, loosely borrowed from Huizinga, and they describe the magic circle as a play space where a player is able to enter, and subsequently work with different rules than that of everyday reality (95). In discussing these boundaries they explain:
As a closed circle, the space it circumscribes is enclosed and separate from the real world. As a marker of time, the magic circle is like a clock; it simultaneously represents a path with a beginning and end, but one without beginning and end. The magic circle inscribes a space that is repeatable, a space both limited and limitless. In short, a finite space with infinite possibility. (95)
There are numerous aspects to Salen and Zimmermans description of the magic circle that are strikingly relevant to my discussion of feminism(s) and their relationship to play. The magic circle is a space where participants are able to work with rules that are alternate to those they encounter in real life. By „stepping in“ to the magic circle, the players are neither complying entirely with their own rules nor are they simply obeying the rules of a game; there is a tacit agreement with the other players (or with themselves) that certain boundaries are to be maintained when existing in this alternate space. Thus, the space constructed by magic circles of play helps to create a staging area, where alternative rules and alternative realities are accepted and negotiated.
As already noted, the Third Wave emphasis on individual issues and narratives is particularly primed for playful feminist activism. One possible means of doing this might be through what is known as Alternate Reality Games (ARG). According to Jane McGonigal, an ARG is:
An interactive drama played out online and in real-world spaces, taking place over several weeks or months, in which dozens, hundreds, thousands of players come together online, form collaborative social networks, and work together to solve a mystery or problem that would be absolutely impossible to solve alone. (qtd in Jenkins 250)
While many ARGs have been part of marketing campaigns in order to promote forthcoming products, this collaborative and social form of play is ripe with activist potential. On a smaller scale, Katie Salens projects such as Karaoke Ice (a project where an ice cream truck had city dwellers sing publicly for their ice cream) or The Big Urban Game (where participants were asked to vote daily on the most efficient routes between changing checkpoints in a city) (Salen) could easily model playful activism for younger generations of feminists. These kinds of projects are ideal for getting new people involved and reinforcing communities. It is time for this kind of newer, activist play.
Play-as-activism is powerful because it can be overlooked by those who are not in the magic circleas a separate space it provides both freedom and privacy from the hegemonies that guide culture. Treating play as activism (and activism as play) can provide a powerful tool for feminists to push forward a cause that has lain stagnant for many years. Live public play spaces need to be constructed specifically for women to facilitate community, solidarity, and dialogue. These spaces can be non-serious, non-threatening and not already overrun by masculine play. With the growth of online gaming, these public spaces are opening up into virtual spaces, creating limitless possibilities for potential forms of playful activism. Virtual game worlds such as World of Warcraft and Second Life only begins to suggest the possibilities that are opening up through internet gaming.
Through play, feminist activism can find a new kind of power. The ambivalence of feminisms towards play has ultimately limited feminist causes. The seriousness and non-playful activist approaches have long given fodder to conservative pundits. Playful activism can begin to combat this image, and prove media depictions of stringent feminisms wrong. Play is power.
Conclusion: The Playful is Political
Playful does not mean dismissive. Frivolous does not mean ignorant. Embracing one of these things does not automatically mean being associated with the other. Instead, it means that, along with gravity and importance, we must embrace the ridiculousness and lightness of a cause. Along with work, we must make time for play. Play is not just for children: masculinity has long integrated play into the everyday and feminism needs to do the same (not through emulation but through experimentation).
Play can adopt two important roles within the feminist community. As I have demonstrated, it can be a means of activism and it can also take on a role of advocacy. If feminism, as an activist movement, uses more playful tactics then it is more in a position to advocate for feminine playa cause that (as I have demonstrated) is necessary and underrepresented. Feminist rhetorical style needs to mimic feminist causes (or, to put it simply, we must practice what we preach).
We cannot possibly know, yet, what feminine play might look like. My mother is looking for her nice shopping game.“ At the same time Bust magazine has been pushing the fiber arts of knitting, crocheting, and sewing. But the frag dolls, the riot grrls, and women in sports all have different ideas. And all of these carry the old essentializations and baggage of the past few hundred years of feminisms. My point is not that any of these acts of play are wrong but rather that Western feminists need to start examining play more carefully and examining how it can be used to subvert patriarchal norms, to promote equal rights, and to ignite new forms of activism.
Everyone knows that we live in a time of fractured feminisms. Through finding more feminine forms of play, and through embracing playful activism, feminism can make new headway. Play is unifying, powerful and strong, and although frivolous, play can have a purpose. Because the playful can be political too.