World-March of Women-Gruppe Frankreich

Einladung zu Forum und Sommercamp in Frankreich:

Es geht um ein europäisches jungfeministisches Lager während dieses Sommers (weitere Informationen auf Englisch). Deutsche Kontaktfrau ist Astrid Rund : astridrund(at)

Do you know any young feminist groups in Austria and Germany might be interested in this project?

The camp will be in 3 languages: English, French and Spanish.

If you want to forward this message, here is some additional informations not included in the 1st newsletter (the next will follow in 3 weeks!):

– If some feminists groups are interested (it’s better to have group than individuality), they must contact us before March 20th. To receive some grants from the French agency of EU Youth program, we need to know the volunteer’s groups in the next future.

– They can participate on the forum to debate about both genders or only include women, topics, contest for the logo … As mentioned in the newsletter!

– Place: we’ll be in the countryside with a river near a forest and a large open space for 50 to 70 to be able to camp out and cook together. … It’s just next to the big city of Toulouse in the south of France! (15km)