Women Initiative For Peace And Good Governance (Nigeria)

WOMEN INITIATIVE FOR PEACE AND GOOD GOVERNANCE (WIPGG) was founded in response to the demands of grassroots young mothers to their information needs on various developmental issues particularly good governance, peace and gender related inequality.WIPGG overall goal aims at ensuring sustainable development in our society through promotion of peace and good governance.The organization is a local organization that works directly in all grassroots communities of Nigeria. Its activities centers around increasing awareness and capacities of local political decision makers/CBOs to implement Government policies aimed at reducing gender inequalities and supporting rural young mothers economic empowerment, strengthen community peace and conflict management and enhancing improved public service delivery (water and sanitation etc.) in the grassroots. Its thematic focus is on peace, good governance. women’s economic empowerment/political participation. Our aims and objectives are to create awareness of good governance at the grassroot, to empower/mobilize communities with knowledge to enable them participate fully in governance and development, to advocate/sensitize for peaceful co-existence of members of the community to prevent armed violence, to track and monitor the implementation of development projects at the local level, to train CBOs on budget transparency, accountability and participation, to network and exchange information with other organizations that are interested in issues relevant to women and development.

We demand:

  1. for programs and initiatives that will support rural young mothers economic empowerment, strengthen community peace and conflict management and enhancing improved public service delivery in Nigeria and Africa as a whole

women's initiative for peace and good governance

Juliana Ngozi Okeke