Feminist Activism Award
Feminist Activism Award
History and Overview
In 1994 Carla Howery proposed the Feminist Activism Award to annually recognize a SWS member who has made notable contributions to improving the lives of women in society, especially through activism. While scholarship is not unimportant for a nomination, the clear emphasis is on a member’s advocacy work that reflects the goals of SWS. The key rationale for the award was that no such award existed in other sociological groups and associations for this critical, but often unrecognized work -work that was consistent with SWS goals. (Much of the information in this history was excerpted from the Proposal for the Feminist Activism Award as published in the 1994 issue of Network News.)
The award was approved by the membership at the winter meeting in 1994 and first awarded in August 1994. At the 1994 SWS summer business meeting, the members in attendance voted to name the award for its first recipient, Pauline Bart. In 2000, Pauline Bart asked that her name be removed from the award and her request was honored. The award will remain unnamed, unless a proposal for naming this or any other award is presented to and approved by the Awards Committee and ultimately the membership.
In 2001 the Social Action Task Force proposed enhancements to the feminist activism award which were approved at the summer business meeting. In addition to a $1,000 stipend for the honoree, a travel budget of $1500 was approved which would enable the award winner the opportunity to travel to two college campuses for a presentation on their approach to social activism. (For more information on how your campus can become one of the two hosts for the Feminist Activism Award Winner, see the call for applications in Network News or the description on this website.)
Criteria for Selection
The recipient of the Feminist Activism Award should be a SWS member who had consistently used sociology to better the lives of women. The individual is honored as an activist, rather than as a function of her place of employment or academic achievements. Thus, recipients could include volunteers, non-volunteers, academicians, and private/public sector employees. The emphasis of this award is on advocacy and outreach efforts.
Nature of the Award
The award was designed to honor a SWS member whose efforts embody the goal of service to women and the identifiable improvement of women’s lives. While those efforts are directed toward women, they need not exclude children, men, and special populations. The award honors SWS members, not to exclude other activists, but instead to honor individuals who might not otherwise receive acknowledgement.
Nomination Procedures
While there are no set guidelines for a nomination packet, a winning packet tends to have these elements: A document (e.g. curriculum vitae, brief biography) providing an accounting of the activist contributions and their impact, testimonials from those benefiting from or witnessing the activism, and any other supporting documents, such as newspaper clippings. Most importantly, the nomination packet should clearly indicate how these activities have improved conditions for women in society. Packets should be sent to the SWS chair as specified in the award announcement posted in Network News (deadline is March 1st). The SWS award chair will distribute copies of the packets to her/his committee. The committee chair will acknowledge nominations received, notify recipients, and communicate the selection process outcome to all nominees.
The Award Presentation
The annual award is presented at the August SWS Banquet. A speech is given by the award chair outlining the contributions of the recipient and a plaque is presented. The speech is published in Network News.
Campus Visits
The awardee visits two universities, to celebrate and enhance feminist scholarship and social activism on campus. See the Call for Campus Visit Applications for further information.
Past Recipients
* 2010 Akosua Adomako Ampofo
* 2009 Lora Bex Lempert
* 2008 Esther Chow
* 2007 Carroll Estes
* 2006 Patricia Yancey Martin
* 2005 Carole Joffee
* 2004 Judith Auerbach
* 2003 Patricia Ulbrich
* 2002 Jean Peterman
* 2001 Joan Mandle
* 2000 Ronnie Steinberg
* 1999 Marejoyce Green
* 1998 Diana Pearce
* 1997 Carla Howery & the Northeastern Illinois Group – Susan Stall, Martha Thompson, Barbara Scott
* 1996 Roberta Spalter-Roth
* 1995 Pauline Bart
Quelle: www.socwomen.org